漂漂老師vs 爽爆新聞網google newsrss總編輯張恭銘名人會客室漂漂老師2021平面雙語專訪
Q:請漂漂(蔡雅琦)老師簡單跟爽爆新聞網的所有爽爆與google news rss的讀者介紹一下自己還有學經歷?
漂漂老師簡單介紹自己的學經歷給大家認識,我目前亦是梵影媒體視覺設計負責人,在電視台整體市場的行銷形象設計,與統籌多媒體專案開發及設計等領域,都有很出色的表現,曾幫澳亞衛視、鳳凰衛視美洲台、台視、東風衛視、客家、大愛與TVBS等知名電視台做過形象設計與包裝,也執行過品牌設計專案,如萬泰銀行、遊戲橘子、微軟XBOX、卡巴斯基、中國時報網站設計、台灣賓士 Smart 網站設計等族繁不及備載。
我的影音、設計、貼圖創作與認證著作出版超過20本..目前最新的作品是Cartoon Animator 4一天完成動畫短片:打造專屬你的2D偶像
‧ 中華數位設計創作協會/ 理事長
‧ 梵影媒體視覺設計/ 執行長
‧ 中華設計創作學會理事
‧ 斐陶斐榮譽學會榮譽會員
‧ 公部門影音處理課程/ 專案講師
‧ 社團法人中華民國全國中小企業總會創輔中心/ 創 業顧問
‧ ACA/MOS 世界盃電腦應用技能競賽/ 世界冠軍種
‧ 文化大學推廣教育部多媒體講師/ 說明會主講
‧ 易禧多媒體科技專案經理/ 電腦講師/ 說明會主講
‧ 銘傳大學推廣教育處/ 多媒體講師
‧ 澳門澳亞衛視視覺創意部主任
‧ 翔偉資安科技設計部主任
‧ 鳳凰衛視美洲台美術指導
‧ 臺灣電視公司資深三級美術設計
‧ 香港東風衛星電視臺
‧ TVBS 無線衛星電視臺
‧ 工商時報文創產業影視大驚奇專欄作者
‧ 臺灣師範大學設計研究所碩士
‧ 亞洲大學數位媒體設計系準博士
2013~2016年ACA世界盃電腦應用技能競賽 (ACA)組臺灣代表隊世界冠、亞軍、季軍
Teacher Piao Piao vs A+news Network
The editor-in-chief jeffof google newsrss will give a bilingual interview with teacher Piao Piao in the celebrity reception room
Q: Teacher Piao Piao briefly introduce to all the readers of A+News and google news rss that you still have academic experience?
A: Hello everyone, all the cool A+news. I am teacher Piao Piao Cai Yaqi ToTeacher Piao Piao briefly introduced his academic experience to everyone. I am also the head of the visual design of Fanying Media. I have excellent performance in the marketing image design of the overall market of the TV station, and the overall planning of multimedia project development and design. , Has helped Australia and Asia Satellite TV, Phoenix Satellite TV America, Taiwan TV, Dongfeng TV, Hakka, Daai and TVBS and other well-known TV stations to do image design and packaging, and also executed brand design projects, such as Wantai Bank, Game Orange, Microsoft XBOX, Kaspersky, China Times website design, Taiwan Benz Smart website design, etc. are too complicated to be uploaded.
I have more than 10 years of experience in domestic and foreign TV station channels and corporate brand planning and design. More than 10 years of experience in design teaching, government agencies, enterprises, vocational training, supplementary education, promotion education, college lectures and industry teachers
I have published more than 20 books on audiovisual, design, texture creation and certification.. The latest work is Cartoon Animator 4, an animated short film completed in one day: Create your own 2D idol
In many places, I have been engaged in teaching, film and television industry, professional consultants of the School of Film and Television, and AE film and television special effects column packaging online courses, Tencent classrooms, Yotta online courses
Here is my resume, share it with you
‧ China Digital Design Creation Association / Chairman
‧ Visual Design / CEO of Fanying Media
‧ Director of China Design Creation Society
‧ Honorary Member of Phi Tophi Honor Society
‧ Public sector audio-visual processing course / project lecturer
‧Republic of China National Association of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Creation Support Center / Creation Industry Consultant
‧ ACA/MOS World Cup Computer Application Skills Competition / World Champion
子 player coaching lecturer
‧ Multimedia Lecturer of the Promotion and Education Department of Cultural University/Lecturer of the briefing session
‧ Project Manager/Computer Lecturer/Lecturer of E-Xi Multimedia Technology
‧ Ming Chuan University Promotion and Education Office / Multimedia Lecturer
‧ Director of the Visual Creative Department of Macao and Asia Satellite TV
‧ Director of Xiangwei Information Security Technology Design Department
‧ Art Director, Phoenix TV America
‧ Senior Level 3 Art Designer of Taiwan Television Company
‧ Hong Kong Dongfeng Satellite TV Station
‧ TVBS Wireless Satellite TV Station
‧ Columnist of the Cultural, Creative Industry, Film and Television Big Surprise, Business Times
I graduated from
‧ Master of Design, National Taiwan Normal University
‧ Associate PhD, Department of Digital Media Design, Asia University
The excellent results of the students who have passed in the world are also the results of teacher education and training:
The 2009 National Vocational Training Achievement Competition won the championship, second and third place
2013~2016 ACA World Cup Computer Application Skills Competition (ACA) Group Taiwan National Team World Champion, 2nd, 3rd
I will share with you the following columns every day. There are new ideas about digital design. Please lock me in the dialogue column with Chief Editor Jeff!