
Zaha Hadid-新淡江大橋 全球最長單塔不對稱斜張橋

欣傳媒/ 2015.08.20 00:00

日前由國際建築團隊 Zaha Hadid Architects、德國Leonhardt, Andrä & Partner及台灣中興工程顧問公司所贏得的淡江大橋(new Danjiang Bridge)國際競圖評選優勝可說是創造了不少話題,這座位於淡水河口的新淡江大橋同時也是北台灣基礎建設昇級計劃的項目之一。





Zaha Hadid 事務所


Zaha Hadid Architects-如沙丘般建築 零耗能Bee''ah沙迦總部


Zaha Hadid-柬埔寨種族滅絕研究中心 Sleuk Rith Institute Camb


Zaha Hadid-Mathematics Gallery 數學館


[Zaha Hadid Architects] 賽馬會創新樓 Jockey Club Innovation


[Zaha Hadid] 賦予舊建築新生命


[Zaha Hadid Architects] 貝魯特美國大學 IFI 研究所大樓



編譯/蘇琨峰 圖/Zaha Hadid Architects









New Danjiang Bridge in Taipei/Zaha Hadid

Zaha Hadid Architects, working with Leonhardt, Andrä & Partner and Sinotech Engineering Consultants, have won the international competition to design the new Danjiang Bridge in Taipei for the Directorate General of Highways, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Located at the mouth of Tamsui River that flows through the capital Taipei, the Danjiang Bridge is integral to the infrastructure upgrading program of northern Taiwan. The bridge will increase connectivity between neighbourhoods and reduce through-traffic on local roads within local town centres by linking the Highways 2 and 15, with the West Coast Expressway (Route 61) and Bali-Xindian Expressway (Route 64). By also reducing traffic from the congested Guandu Bridge upriver, the Danjiang Bridge will greatly improve the northern coast traffic system and enhance accessibility throughout the region with the rapidly expanding Port of Taipei/Taipei Harbour, the region’s busiest shipping port.

The Danjiang Bridge will also allow for the extension of Danhai Light Rail Transportation (DHLRT) system over the Tamsui River to connect the town of Bali and the Port/Harbour with Taipei’s public rail network.

The Tamsui River estuary is a natural environment flanked by the urban centres of Tamsui to the East and Bali to the west. The estuary is rapidly growing in popularity with both residents and tourists as a recreational area where people gather each day to watch the sun setting over the Taiwan Strait.

The cable-stayed bridge design minimises its visual impact by using only one concrete structural mast to support the 920m road, rail and pedestrian deck made from steel. The Danjiang Bridge will be the world’s longest single-tower, asymmetric cable-stayed bridge.

The mast is designed and engineered to be as slender as possible and positioned to offer the best structural performance, avoid impeding the navigability of the river and also minimise any interference with the views of the sunset from popular viewing points along the river. This single-mast design also minimizes structural elements in the riverbed in accordance with the increased protection programs of the estuary’s ecosystems.

Zaha Hadid Architects with Leonhardt, Andrä & Partner and Sinotech Engineering Consultants placed first in the competition. CECI and Nippon Engineering Consultants placed second; Aecom Asia and Resources Engineering Services placed third, MAA Group and Cowi placed fourth, with Oriental Consultants with Pacific Engineers & Constructors and Pyunghwa Engineering Consultants and Pacific Consultants with Taiwan Engineering Consultants and Yuang Engineering Consultants placing joint fifth.

Project Data:

Total Length: 920m

Height of Supporting Mast: 175 m

Structure: Concrete supporting mast with steel road/rail/pedestrian deck

Spans: 450m (to the West of the supporting mast)

175m (to the East of the supporting mast)

【More Information】

Zaha Hadid Architects


Bee’ah ’s new Net Zero Headquarters/Zaha Hadid 


Zaha Hadid-Sleuk Rith Institute Camb


Zaha Hadid-Mathematics Gallery


Zaha Hadid Architects-Jockey Club Innovation


Zaha Hadid-Serpentine Sackler Gallery


Zaha Hadid Architects-Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs



Photos/Zaha Hadid Architects

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Andre Profile

A male Aries, loves learning new things and being nostalgic to old things. Academic background: Bachelor of Construction Engineering Department at National YunTech University, Taiwan and Diploma of Graduate School of Business and Economics at University of Melbourne. With character of a little introvert, addicting to architecture, photography, tennis, Jazz music and saxophone and being the translator of Xin Architecture/ International, reporter, holder of activities and international tour leader.


