熱門: 黃子佼 徐巧芯 地震

安卓藝術-時空之網 漢娜.佩蒂強 個展

欣傳媒/ 2015.08.07 00:00

安卓藝術將於2015年8月1日至9月5日舉辦漢娜.佩蒂強(Hanna Pettyjohn)個展「時空之網」(A Web of When and Where)。本展也是佩蒂強繼2013年在台灣的首次個展「豐饒之外」,於安卓藝術的第二次個展。我們誠摯邀請您蒞臨8月1日(六)下午3點舉行的開幕茶會,甫獲得菲律賓13藝術家大賞(The 2015 Thirteen Artist Award)殊榮的藝術家亦將出席。




Mind Set Art Center is pleased to present “A Web of When and Where”, a solo exhibition by Filipino artist Hanna Pettyjohn from 1 August to 5 September 2015. Pettyjohn is recently awarded with The 2015 Thirteen Artist Award, and this is her second solo exhibition at Mind Set Art Center following the 2013 successful show “Witherland”. You are cordially invited to attend the exhibition and the opening reception starting at 3 pm on Saturday, 1 August, in which the artist will be present.A Filipino-American with a transnational narrative, Pettyjohn possesses first-hand knowledge of the global diaspora. Born in 1983 and raised up in the Philippines, she set forth on the journey to her father’s hometown, Texas of the United States, when she came to age. Displacement and home have since been the keynotes of Pettyjohn’s art as the continuous journey across the Pacific Ocean is both an exploration of the unknown and a root-seeking homecoming.The artist named her latest paintings as “Unearthed” followed by different letters and numbers, suggesting the depicted clothes as relics to be rediscovered, understood and expressed as to imply stories of the past. Continuing from three exhibitions held in Manila and Taipei separately during 2013, “Bundle”, “The Glass Between Us (Unbundle)”, and “Witherland”, clothes of different textures play the major roles of the new show “A Web of When and Where”. However, people are no longer present, and the contrasting elements such as cold and warmth, wet and dry, interior and exterior become less apparent. In large paintings of this exhibition, fabric, earth and plants are composed into scenes of profuse expression, seemly implying the diversification of the world. Fragments of fabric are further abstracted from any context of setting or collage and brought into focus in a series of smaller paintings. Here, the fragments floating in a wavy space of air and earth, as if in a constantly changing and unpredictable journey, and at the same time referring to an absent whole.Having two geographical origins in her life, Pettyjohn said: “Travel leads to the realization of my place in the world and the journey of self-discovery that inevitably happened. I’ve come to realize that I will always be displaced and that home to me is more than one place.” Talking about this exhibition, she stated, “It's about a conversation between the two places. When I am in each place I am both home and away.” The ancient phenomenon of diaspora is endowed with productivity and creativeness in Pettyjohn’s works. “A Web of When and Where” is not only a recollection of the past, but also a journey towards the unknown future.











