熱門: 孫生 missav 南澤海香

第 11 屆同樂運動會傳媒邀請

美通社/[email protected] 2022.11.18 14:39


香港2022年11月18日 /美通社/ -- 籌備委員會一直致力為全球最大的多元共容體育、藝術和文化盛事—— 11 屆同樂運動會倒數,該活動將於 2023 年 11 月 3 日至 11 日在香港舉行。

誠邀閣下 参加我們倒數一年的雞尾酒會,並了解更多關於同樂運動會的最新消息。

我們很高興能邀請到立法會議員 葉劉淑儀女士, 和蘭桂坊集團主席 盛智文先生作為主賓,與支持我們的藝人、贊助商、顧問委員會和合作夥伴的高級代表一起參加。


日期:11 月 18 日,星期五



6:30 PM 客人抵達

7:00 PM 嘉賓致辭

7:02 PM 全體拍照

7:05 PM 嘉賓致辭

7:20 PM 特別表演 (Hong Kong Gay Men's Chorus)

8:30 PM 結束

* 請在活動開始前進行當天的 RAT 測試,並根據要求出示您的陰性結果的照片證據(姓名 + 時間 + 日期)。

About Gay Games 11 Hong Kong 2023

Gay Games 11 Hong Kong will take place on 3-11 November 2023, the first event of its kind in Asia. Under the theme "Unity in Diversity" the Games will feature a wide variety of sporting events, opening & closing ceremonies, festival village, and arts and culture events. Supporting organisations include the Equal Opportunities Commission, InvestHK, BrandHK and the Hong Kong Tourism Board, with Marriott Bonvoy and YouTube as Platinum Partners.

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About the Federation of Gay Games (FGG)

The FGG mission is to promote equality and social change for LGBTQ+ people through its quadrennial sports and culture event, the Gay Games. Conceived by Dr Tom Waddell, an Olympic decathlete, the Gay Games principles are "Participation, Inclusion, and Personal Best™" and it was first held in San Francisco in 1982. It is now the world's largest quadrennial LGBTQ+ sports and cultural event open to all, that is organised and led by LGBTQ+ artists and athletes. Other Gay Games have been held in San Francisco (1986), Vancouver (1990), New York (1994), Amsterdam (1998), Sydney (2002), Chicago (2006), Cologne (2010), and Cleveland+Akron (2014). The most recent Games, in Paris (2018), involved over 10,000 participants from 91 countries, 3,000 volunteers, 36 sports, and 14 cultural events, and pumped 107.6 million Euros into the local economy.

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