熱門: 黃子佼 徐巧芯 地震


中央社/ 2022.11.16 15:08

(中央社訊息服務20221116 15:08:30)一、依據國立臺灣藝術大學(以下簡稱本校)校長遴選辦法、本校校長遴選委員會遴選作業細則及本校校長遴選委員會第1次會議決議,公開徵求推薦校長候選人,自112年8月1日起聘,任期4年。 二、本校校長候選人應符合教育人員任用條例及相關法令規定之校長資格 (年資計算至111年12月30日止),且未有任用限制之情事,尚須具有下列條件: (一)具崇高之教育理念及卓越之行政能力。 (二)在藝術上或學術上著有成就與聲望。 (三)對藝術及學術自由之高度尊重。 (四)身心健康具有高尚品德與情操。 (五)具有爭取及妥善運用資源之能力。 (六)處事公正且能超越政治、宗教、黨派及營利單位等利益。 如兼任上述相關職務,須書面承諾於應聘校長前放棄。 三、候選人應檢附以下表件: (一)校長候選人資料表及連署推薦表。 (二)校長候選人自我檢核表。 (三)蒐集個人資料告知事項暨個人資料提供同意書。 (四)校長候選人在大陸地區從事交流活動及兼職情形聲明書。 四、校長候選人接受推薦方式如下: (一) 本校編制內專任教師10人以上連署推薦。 (二) 國內、外大學或學術研究機構之專任教師或研究人員10人以上連署推薦。 (三) 本校校友20人以上連署推薦。 五、校長候選人應填提供下列各項資料,供本會公開陳列及審查: (一) 個人基本資料 (二) 著作、作品或發明目錄 (三) 學(藝)術獎勵及榮譽事蹟 (四) 治校理念說明書 (五) 相關承諾書 六、前開表件請至本校網頁「校長遴選專區」下載,請填妥校長候選人連署推薦表,連同校長候選人資料表等相關表件(請附PDF電子檔)及3年內2吋證件照(請附電子檔),親自簽名後於111年12月30日下午5時前,寄達(郵戳為憑)或親送220新北市板橋區大觀路一段59號「國立臺灣藝術大學校長遴選委員會收(人事室代收)」,寄送後請以電話聯繫確認。電子檔案併請寄至本校聯絡人信箱([email protected]),逾時恕不受理,候選人繳交之表件及資料恕不退還。被推薦人提供之資料如有不全或表格、撰寫方式不符規定等情形,經通知聯絡人及被推薦人於7日內補正,逾期未補正者,不予受理。 七、相關資訊、法規以及候選人應檢附表件刊登本校網頁: https://www.ntua.edu.tw/NtuaPresident/index.html(本校校長遴選專區) 聯絡人:葉盈彣 電話:02-22722181轉1508 傳真:02-22722198 E-mail:[email protected] 國立臺灣藝術大學校長遴選委員會 啟

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANNOUNCEMENT National Taiwan University of Arts Presidential Search

1.According to the Presidential Search Act and Presidential Search Committee Operating rules and regulations of National Taiwan University of Arts (hereinafter referred to as “NTUA”), Presidential Search Committee invites nominations and applications for the position of President after the committee's first meeting. NTUA kicks off the open election for the Presidential candidates. The President will be appointed from August 1st, 2023, for a term of 4 years. 2.Presidential candidates should abide by the Act of Governing the Appointment of Educators and meet the requirements stipulated in related laws and regulations, and are not limited in such a way that restrictions on the appointment. The seniority calculation ends on December 30th, 2022. Presidential candidates should meet the following requirements: (1) A lofty ideal of educational philosophy and excellent administrative skills. (2) A reputation for artistic or academic achievement and prestige. (3) A high regard for the arts and academic freedom. (4) A person of high moral integrity and ethical character who is physically and mentally healthy. (5) The ability to secure and properly utilize resources. (6) Administer matters impartially and beyond the interests of any political, religious, partisan, and profit-making interests. If the candidate holds one of the positions mentioned above, he/she must undertake in writing to relinquish them prior to applying for the presidency. 3.Presidential candidates should submit the following forms: (1) Personal Information Form and jointly signed Recommendation Form. (2) Self-checking Form (3) Notification of Personal Information Collection and Consent Form for Provision of Personal Information. (4) Declaration of the President candidate's academic activities and part-time employment in mainland China. 4.Presidential candidates shall be nominated in any of the following ways: (1) One nomination jointly signed by ten or more full-time faculty members from NTUA. (2) One nomination jointly signed by ten or more full-time faculty members or research fellows from academic institutions in Taiwan and abroad. (3) One nomination jointly signed by twenty or more alumni from NTUA. 5.Presidential candidates should provide the following information for public presentation and examination by the NTUA Presidential Search Committee. (1) Personal information (2) Publication list, works, or announcements (3) Academic awards and honors (4) Statement of philosophy of the NTUA (5) Commitment 6.For those who would like to nominate a candidate, please fill in all required forms with signatures (please attach a PDF file) and a 2-inch ID photo within three years (please attach a soft copy). Deliver them to the address below via registered mail, express mail (a postmark as the proof), or in person by 5 pm on December 30th, 2022. Address: NTUA Presidential Search Committee (Personnel Department), No. 59, Sec. 1, Daguan Rd., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City 220307, Taiwan Please get in touch with us by phone to confirm the delivery. Please also send the soft copies to this email address ([email protected]). The application dossier will not be returned. If the information provided by the candidate is incomplete or the form or writing method does not conform to the regulations, etc., the application will not be accepted. The contact person of the nomination and the candidate will be notified to make corrections within seven days. Late corrections will not be accepted. 7.Relevant information, regulations, and nomination forms are posted on the NTUA's website at: https://www.ntua.edu.tw/NtuaPresident/index.html (Presidential Search Web Page). Contact Person: Ms. Yen Tel: 02-22722181 ext. 1508 Fax:02-22722198 E-mail:[email protected] NTUA Presidential Search Committee



