於是有人精選出 80 種的世界各地最棒旅行體驗,推薦大家一生之中一定要嘗試一遍,今天就要介紹前 10 名的旅行體驗有哪一些,提供給旅遊解禁後,優先選擇去的旅遊目的地:
1. 去非洲 Devil’s Pool 游泳。
2. 去泰國清邁參加萬人天燈節祈福。
3. 去峇里島的天堂之門拍照。
4. 去肯亞看動物大遷徙。
5. 去東京吃壽司名店 Sukiyabashi Jiro。
6. 去義大利卡布里島的 Blue Grotto 游泳。
7. 去紐約看一場百老匯音樂劇。
8. 和重要的人去烏克蘭克列巴尼走 Tunnel of Love。
It is not Chernobyl guys but I think it will be interesting for your to know about such awesome place in Ukraine, I am so grateful for those who adviced me to visit this place😎 ____________ So This is a green tunnel in the shape of an ideal proportional arch, created by thickets of trees and bushes that are intertwined with each other. 🌌🏕🗺🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏 The tunnel of love in Rivne region became popular quite recently, since only a few years ago almost no one had heard anything about it. This is a green tunnel in the shape of an ideal proportional arch, created by thickets of trees and bushes that are intertwined with each other. Spring and summer. The tunnel of love is buried in verdure And this phenomenal tunnel turned out by chance. The fact is that once, under Soviet rule, this railway led to a military base, and it was planted with trees to disguise it. In recent years, trees and bushes have ceased to cut, and those formed a natural tunnel, the length of which is several kilometers. Once I have posted this mesmerising place here before, and some people were persuaded that photo is unreal😅 this is the most reall place I’ve ever saw! Despite disadvantage and littering this country have many such miraculous places!!!! #Chernobylfactsuk #beautiful #Natureukraine #Nature #World #Instagram #Tunneloflove #Awesome #spiritoflive #Ukraine #Urban #Ровно #Longtrip
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9. 去挪威聖壇岩懸崖欣賞峽灣美景。
popsugar – 80 Travel Experiences to Have While You’re Alive and Breathing
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