熱門: 寶林茶室 地震 清明連假


欣傳媒/ 2015.08.21 00:00


醒酒器的新革命-Vinaera電子氣壓醒酒器 傳統的醒酒方式,需要將紅酒倒入醒酒壺中,等待30-60分鐘後才能達到醒酒的效果。Vinaera透過專利的電子氣壓設計,只需按一下按鈕,紅酒可以高速混合空氣,達到瞬間醒酒的效果。 Vinaera是全球首創的電子氣壓醒酒器,以28.5ml(1 Ounces)/ 每2秒 的速度達到瞬間醒酒,是傳統的紅酒增氧器6倍以上的效果。透過Vinaera專利的設計,有效降低紅酒因釀製時所產生的苦澀與雜味;揮發洋酒中的雜醇,明顯降低洋酒入口的嗆辣感,進而留住酒滑潤芳香的醇正口感,提高酒的原有價值,使現代人在忙碌的環境下能簡單且快速享用美酒。

1. 最有效的醒酒:增壓的空氣可以充分與紅/洋酒混合,是一般紅酒增氧器6倍以上的醒酒效果,有效降低酒中苦澀的口感,可明顯感受入口柔順。

2. 全球發明專利:世界第一部電子空氣加壓式醒酒器。

3. 最快速的醒酒器:114ml(4 Ounces)/每8秒,瞬間醒酒全球最快速。

4. 最乾淨的設計:直接倒入酒杯,讓您的桌面保持乾淨。

5. One Touch設計:操作簡單便利。

6. 增加紅、洋酒與空氣接觸的面積,有效降低紅酒入口時的苦澀與洋酒入口時的辛辣。 7. 增進紅酒中單寧成分氧化,提早感受酒中不同風味。 8. 增進新開紅酒的口味與香味、提高紅酒的質量與年齡。

Revolution in wine aeration - Vinaera Electronic Wine & Spirit Aerator Aerating by pouring a wine into a traditional decanter bottle requires 30 minutes to 1 hour to achieve the full effect. Vineara accelerates aeration through a patented air injection process and dispenses fully aerated wine directly from bottle to glass with the touch of a button. Vinaera is the world's first electronic wine & spirit aerator. It has the capacity to dispense fully aerated wine or spirits at 1 ounce(28.5ml)every 2 seconds . Due to the pneumatic operating method, the exposure of the wine to bubble surface is 6 times greater with the Vinaera product than a funnel style aerator. The patented design of Vinaera injects air into the stream of wine pushed from the bottle through the dispenser spout. This air injection more effectively and quickly releases the flavors and aromas of wine, and helps oxidize and soften the natural tannins in wine. For spirits, the oxidation through large surface exposure to bubbles releases fusel alcohols and make the spirit less “spicy” and bitter. This instant aeration let’s you enjoy the full bouquet of your wine from the first glass without the long wait of traditional decanting.Description

1. The most effective aerator:Full and fast aeration through a pressurized air and wine mixture; More than 6 times the aeration effect compared to funnel style wine aerator; Effectively reduces the bitter taste.

2. Globally patented:The world's first electronic air pressure aerator.

3. Fastest aerator:4 Ounces(114ml)/ every 8 seconds, the world fastest breathing process.

4. Clean design:Bottle to glass dispensing keeps your table top clean.

5. One Touch design:Simple and convenient operation

6. Increases wine/spirit contact area with air, effectively smoothes the bitter and spicy tannic taste of some wines.

7. Increases red wine tannins oxidation, to enhance the subtle flavor profiles in your wine

8. Enhances the flavor of younger red wines, improves the quality.


繫上頭巾性格十足的忍者造型,讓3C生活充滿伊賀流的神祕;在黑夜裡低聲疾行,忠心保護最寶貴的資料!Bone《Ninja Dual Driver》忍者造型雙介面高速隨身碟(micro USB+USB 3.0),專為智慧型手機、平板電腦等行動裝置打造的隨身儲存裝置,隨插即用,不須外接電源及線材輕鬆傳輸與分享影音、圖片等大容量資料。透過隨身碟擴充行動裝置容量,費用僅需高容量智慧手機或是平板電腦售價的小部分,更換手機及平板時仍可重複使用。資料輕鬆帶著走,分享更便利。  獨創一體成形的不掉蓋與手掌磁鐵功能設計,讓隨身碟能在任何磁吸物品上飛簷走壁,也無須擔心蓋子會遺失;頭巾吊飾孔的貼心設計,可恣意更換不同吊飾;右手掌孔還可插入3.5mm耳機塞,不僅突顯個人風格,還能增添與Dual Driver的互動樂趣。隨身碟外衣採環保矽膠製成,髒汙處水洗擦拭即可乾淨,整體設計讓風格與實用在其中取得最完美的平衡!

Ninja Dual Driver - Compatible with smartphone, tablet, PC. Easy for data transferring and storage without any cable needed. Dual Driver has both Micro USB and USB 3.0 interface port which you could storage or transfer massive video, movie, photos materials easily. Having Ninja Dual driver, no need to pay fortune to buy new smartphone or tablet with higher upgraded capacity. Ninja Dual transfer and storage On the Go, sharing and back up On the Go. The two caps are connected to the main part of USB stick. No cap to lose. The hole on the Ninja’s head band enables users to attach their strap on and gives it more personal style. The right hand palm can hold 3.5mm ear cap; a small magnet in the left hand palm enables this Ninja to attach to magnet-responsive objects. The designed coat is made of the environment-friendly silicone, recyclable and earth-friendly. With the dirt-resistant treatment on the surface, it (coat only) can be cleaned with water and dirt can be easily removed. Lifetime warranty on the chipset.













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