
Dfun-Infusion Lounge

欣傳媒/ 2015.09.04 00:00

Infusion Lounge是香港室內設計師陳德堅對中為西用的最新演繹。陳德堅的設計用上了大量中國傳統建築元素,如貫穿整個場地的雕花橫樑及大圓柱,明朝風格的紅木椅子等,配合線條簡單的幾何圖案,及現代的物料如金屬及LED燈飾,行以硬橋硬馬的姿態展現中國傳統文化的歷久常新,感覺極為摩登。餐廳的另一話題設計是男女共用的洗手間,閃爍生輝的馬賽克(mosaic)堆砌出來的彎曲牆壁,雖然浪漫華麗得近乎時與時代脫節,但配合光面金屬的配件及簡約的陳設,卻又恰到好處地將整個設計帶回現代。

In early 2007, Forth Dimension Holographics was commissioned to design and produce one of the first new full-color digital i-Lumogram holograms to be displayed in the US. The large-format hologram was to be the signature art piece to be displayed behind the bar in their newest venture, an Asian themed, $4.5M, restaurant and nightclub in the heart of San Francisco to be named the Infusion Lounge.

Situated beneath the Hotel Fusion in the epicenter of San Fran’s Union Square, the 6,000+ s/f club was designed by the famous Hong Kong architect, Kinney Chan. Design of the artistic hologram began soon after initial construction began on the project. Several 3D concepts were envisioned before the final hologram design was chosen, keeping with strict accordance to the club’s sophisticated, ultra-hip profile.

With the concept finally approved in 2008, work could begin on content creation. Real-scene 3D image-capture production was done at K-Top Production Studios in Oakland, California. Rob Taylor from Forth Dimension Holographics in Nashville Indiana brought his HoloCam, a special 3D image-capture camera that is designed to film real-scene, animated, 3D content specifically for production with the new full-color, digital, stereo-gram holographic technologies such as i-Lumograms.

Modeling auditions were held and the lovely Ms. Stephanie Anderson from Portland, Oregon was selected. Other individuals and companies involved in the production were; Body Painting- Ms. Lisa Berczel from Battlefield P&B in L.A., Make-Up and Hair Stylist- Nam, Lighting- Kevin Sam from K&M Lighting. We shot Stephanie on a green screen so that a completely computer-generated, 3D scene could be inserted around her. Between the 5 hours of body painting and make-up, and the 5 hours of 3D filming, it made for a long day but everyone walked away happy with the shoot and ready to unwind in the captivating downtown San Francisco nightlife.


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