熱門: 柯玉錕 大立光 溫嵐

嘉惠台灣生醫研究卓有貢獻~中國醫藥大學頒授美國德州大學休士頓安德森癌症中心前校長Dr. DePinho名譽博士學位

中央社/ 2023.10.03 16:28

(中央社訊息服務20231003 16:28:48)美國國家科學與醫學科學院院士、德州大學休士頓安德森癌症中心前校長Dr.DePinho成為台灣中國醫藥大學大家庭的新成員;洪明奇校長於10月3日上午頒授名譽理學博士學位予Dr.DePinho,表彰他致力推動安德森癌症中心與中國醫藥大學暨醫療體系的合作關係,對於提升台灣整體癌症研究水準,促進國際接軌貢獻良多,稱得上是中醫大的新榮耀。

洪明奇校長頒授美國國家科學與醫學科學院院士Dr. DePinho名譽博士學位



洪明奇校長致詞時表示,他與DePinho博士相識近二十年,並有幸在他擔任MD安德森癌症中心校長的領導下擔任基礎研究副校長,該中心是世界上最大、最重要的癌症中心;他改造了MDACC並推出“Cancer Moon Shots”計劃!受到美國總統甘迺迪在1960年初「將人送上月球」的啟發,在當時被認為是「不可能的任務」!Depinho博士發起了一項雄心勃勃、全面的行動計劃,為癌症患者實現巨大飛躍! Cancer Moon Shots計劃“讓癌症成為歷史!”我很幸運也很榮幸能夠成為三位乳癌和卵巢癌登月計畫的領導者之一。

Dr.DePinho感謝台灣中國醫藥大學頒授名譽理學博士學位,他特別發表演講『了解胰臟癌腫瘤生物學到轉化為治療』;闡述當前科學界了解Kras突變是胰臟癌致癌的主要原因,源起於我們在1999年發現Kras 調控糖解基因,是受MYC調控的標靶,它賦予Kras蛋白永久活化作用,該蛋白充當分子開關,激活各種細胞內信號通路和轉錄因子,誘導細胞增殖、遷移、轉化和存活,從以上對胰臟癌的腫瘤機制的深入了解,針對三個不同標靶的組合治療,在臨床前的動物試驗,產生極佳的效果。



Dr.DePinho; Academicians Li, Wang and Lin; Board of Trustees members, Huang, Sheng and Sun, and Professor Hsieh ; VP of CMU, leaders, colleagues and students from CMU,ladies and gentlemen , good morning!

Today it marks one of the many important days for China Medical University. On behalf of CMU, It is with my utmost gratitude to welcome Dr. Ronald DePinho traveling afar from US to receive the honorable PhD degree.

Dr.DePhino is well known for his accomplishment in biomedical research and is evident with his h-index of 182. As a result, he has received numerous accolades worldwide including members of National Academy of Science and Medicine to name a few.

I have known Dr.DePinho for almost two decades and had a privilege to serve as the vice president of basic research under his leadership as the president of the MD Anderson Cancer Center, the largest and the world foremost cancer center. MD Anderson was so lucky to have Dr.Depinho to lead as the president from 2011-2017! He transformed MDACC, it was during his presidentship, he constantly recruited high caliber faculty members to MDACC, members of National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Medicine and even the Nobel Laureate, Dr.Jim Allison who received the Nobel Prize award in physiology and medicine in 2018.It was his vision to launch “ Cancer Moon Shots”program in MDACC! Inspired by the US President John F.Kennedy“ to put a man on the moon” in early 1960, at that time considered as a “Mission Impossible” ! Dr. Depinho initiated an ambitious and comprehensive action plan to make a giant leap for cancer patients! The Cancer Moon Shots program “To make cancer history!”I was lucky and honored to serve as one of the three leaders in the Breast and Ovarian Cancer Moon Shots Program. As the president, he has supported and promoted all facets of collaborations, including the sister institution activities with 33 institutions covering 24 countries around the world, including CMU in Taiwan. MDACC functions as the leader of the“United Nations of Cancer.”As a Principle Investigator, his team has published numerous impactful manuscriptions and chooses one of the most difficult diseases, pancreatic cancer to tackle! I have learned from him tremendously, as a scientist, a leader and a human being and I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to Dr. Depinho“Ron, Thank you!” from the bottom of my heart!. The great philosopher Confucius said that in our lifetime three kinds of friends are beneficial to ourselves.友直友諒友多聞 Friends are upright, sincere, and knowledgeable. In my mind Dr. DePinho rightfully fits in all categories as a friend who can benefit one’s life.

Learning from experience at MD Anderson Cancer Center under Dr. Depinho’s leadership, after assuming the presidency position in CMU, I have pledged to promote excellence in research and education as well as globalization of CMU.With the concept of “ LOVE“:Listen, Observation, Vision and Execution and with the strong support from the Board of Trustee and great efforts from all my CMU colleagues, we are steadily moving up and aiming at an internationally recognized named university. Early this year, we have great honor to invite Nobel Laurate, Dr. Yuan Lee who also received our honorable PhD degree to be our Endowed Chair Professor with the highest honor in CMU. And soon Dr. Ronald DePinho, a world renown scientist and great leader in biomedical sciences will be officially a member of the CMU big family. We hope to tap into Dr. DePinho’s wealth of knowledge and experience in science as well as in life to advance CMU’s research output. In reciprocation CMU is committed to make this relationship a highly fruitful one so that Dr. DePinho will be proud to be associated with us. We always welcome him to come “home” often not only to enjoy the good foods and hospitality but also to assess the progress of our biomedical research to benefit the mankind!

Finally,I would like to call for everyone to give Dr.DePinho a big round of applause welcoming him to China Medical University. Thank you.


Ronald A.DePinho教授出生於西元1955年,美國人。 Dr.DePinho於1981年畢業於亞伯愛因斯坦醫學院,並先後於該校及哥倫比亞大學接受住院醫師訓練以及進行博士後基礎研究,之後受聘於亞伯愛因斯坦醫學院至終身教授(1988-1998)以及哈佛大學達納法伯癌症中心(Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center)教授(1998-2011)。2011至2017年Dr.DePinho被延攬至休士頓安德森癌症中心為該中心校長(President),目前為安德森癌症中心癌症生物學系終身教授。Dr.DePinho已發表超過700篇經過同行評審的研究文章、綜述文章和專書章節,研究聚焦在癌症、衰老以及與年齡相關的退行性疾病方面的突破性基礎和轉化研究。Dr.DePinho在端粒酶(telomerase)方面的研究使人們更深入地了解端粒酶和端粒功能障礙在癌症、衰老和一系列退行性疾病(包括纖維化)中的重要作用並享譽國際。他於2008年被選為國家醫學院院士,2010年成為美國藝術與科學院院士,2012年當選為國家科學院院士,2015年被美國癌症研究協會授予榮譽研究員,2022年獲選最佳科學獎(Best Scientist Award, Research.com),2023年獲選為美國分子生物學領域領導者獎(Molecular Biology in United States Leader Award, Research.com),其整體研究為世界排名第22名,美國排名第18名,D-index為169(Research.com),H-index為180(Google scholar)。

在轉譯創新方面,Dr.DePinho創立了多家生物技術公司,為多家私營和公共生物技術公司的創始人,並領導安德森癌症中心Moonshot計劃和相應的轉化平台,引領美國新藥開發和公共健康政策,在癌症轉譯領域成就斐然。此外,他在科學和公共衛生的貢獻獲得葡萄牙爵位(Portuguese knighthood)、埃利斯島榮譽勳章(Ellis Island Medal of Honor)、AACR Clowes獎、艾伯特•森特-吉奧爾吉獎(Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Award)等多個獎項的認可,同時亦是非營利組織Opa Health的主席兼創始人(該組織致力於為弱勢社區進行疾病預防)。 Dr.DePinho與中醫大的淵源及貢獻。

在Dr.DePinho擔任安德森癌症中心校長期間,經時任該中心研究副校長(Vice President)洪明奇院士的引介之下於2013年11月23日代表安德森癌症中心與中國醫藥大學附設醫院體系蔡長海董事長簽訂姊妹醫院,並發展第2期5年合作計畫,使中國醫藥大學附設醫院躋身安德森癌症中心全球26國、34個醫學中心合作的醫院之一,同時也是當時台灣唯一的安德森癌症中心姊妹醫院,在癌症治療、基礎研究、轉譯醫學、新藥開發等領域進行跨國合作,加強醫學人才養成與技術交流,也透過結合社區、臨床領域加強早期癌症篩檢,攜手向世界級跨國合作的癌症研究中心目標邁進,對於提升中醫大及台灣癌症研究水平並與國際接軌卓有貢獻。

此外,Dr.DePinho亦應洪校長邀請參與中醫大主辦癌症相關研討會擔任2021台灣國際創新生物醫學峰會(ICABS)以及2023院士論壇(Academician Forum)之演講貴賓,與本校癌症生物研究中心以及台灣癌症研究學者有非常密切的交流,嘉惠台灣生醫研究。

Ronald A.DePinho,M.D.

Professor Ronald A.DePinho was born in the United States in 1955. He graduated from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1981 and completed his residency and postdoctoral training at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Columbia University. He then served as a tenured professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine (1988-1998) and as a professor at Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center (1998-2011). From 2011 to 2017,Dr.DePinho served as the President of The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center(MDACC) in Houston and is currently a tenured professor in the Department of Cancer Biology at MDACC.He has published more than 700 peer-reviewed research articles, reviews and book chapters focusing on pioneering basic and translational research in the fields of cancer, aging and age-related degenerative diseases. His research in telomerase is internationally recognized for advancing our understanding of the critical role of telomerase and telomere dysfunction in cancer, aging and various degenerative diseases including fibrosis. He was elected as a member of the National Academy of Medicine in 2008, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2010, a member of the National Academy of Sciences in 2012 and an honorary fellow of the American Association for Cancer Research in 2015. He also received the Best Scientist Award and the Molecular Biology in the United States Leader Award from Research.com in 2022 and 2023, respectively. His total research is currently ranked 22nd in the world and 18th in the United States, with a D-index of 169 (Research.com) and an H-index of 180 (Google Scholar). With respect to translational innovation, Dr. DePinho has founded several biotechnology companies and is a founding member of several private and public biotech companies. He has also led the Moonshot Program and related translational platforms at MDACC, contributing to the advancement of new drug development and public health policy in cancer treatment. He has received numerous awards for his contributions to science and public health, including a Portuguese knighthood, the Ellis Island Medal of Honor, the AACR Clowes Award, and the Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Award. In addition, he is the chairman and founder of Opa Health, a nonprofit organization focused on disease prevention in underserved communities. During Dr.DePinho’s presidency at MDACC,an important collaboration between MDACC and China Medical University Hospital(CMUH) took place on November 23,2013.With the introduction of Academician Mien-Chie Hung, Chairman Chang-Hai Tsai of CMUH signed a five-year sister hospital agreement, making CMUH one of 34 medical centers in 26 countries that MDACC collaborates with worldwide.It was also the only sister hospital of MDACC in Taiwan at that time. The collaboration promoted the development of medical talents and the exchange of technology in the fields of cancer treatment,basic research, translational medicine, and drug development.By combining community and clinical efforts to strengthen early cancer detection,the collaboration aimed to advance toward the goal of a world-class multinational cancer research center and make significant contributions to the advancement of CMU and cancer research in Taiwan.In addition, Dr.DePinho has been invited by President Hung to participate in cancer-related symposia hosted by CMU as a distinguished speaker at the 2021 Taiwan International Innovative Biomedical Summit (ICABS) and the 2023 Academician Forum. This will foster close exchanges with the Cancer Biology Research Center and cancer researchers in general at CMU and benefit biomedical research in Taiwan.




