
國慶日遭竄改「TAIWAN NATIONAL DAY」 毛嘉慶:DPP全黨都是賊!

火報/火報 2022.10.09 23:49

火報 / 綜合報導

中華民國國慶日的英文翻譯應該是R.O.C NATIONAL DAY,還是TAIWAN NATIONAL DAY?「桃園新選風」無黨籍市議員候選人毛嘉慶今(九日)晚至中壢高鐵特區國慶晚會現場以英文向來訪外賓表示,民進黨政府在邀請函偷雞摸狗將國慶日偷渡為台獨意涵「奇怪的DAY」,但中華民國國家行事曆根本沒有這個詭異的DAY,「對此詐欺政府縣各位於不易感到萬分遺憾」。毛嘉慶的訴求並未完全表達完成,即在「三立電視」人員指揮下,遭警方架離現場。


毛嘉慶:「民進黨央視一台」現在都有權指揮司法警察官了? 圖 / 桃園新選風提供。


在下是桃園市議員候選人毛嘉慶,今天到這裡,除了要歡迎各位蒞臨中華民國111年國慶典禮,也要告訴大家,主辦國慶的民進黨政府在這次邀請各位到來的邀請函上動了手腳,偷雞摸狗的把中華民國國慶日變成了奇怪的「TAIWAN NATIONAL DAY」,我們中華民國國民都不知道這是什麼詭異的DAY,也對此詐欺政府陷各位於不義感到萬分遺憾。


Dear heads of state and special envoys, ladies and gentlemen.

My name is Mao Chia-Chin, City Council candidate for Taoyuan . While we sincerely welcome you to the 111th Republic of China National Day celebrations, we feel you should be aware of the important context of this celebration. The DPP government has invited you to join them in celebrating “Taiwan National Day”. However, no such holiday exists, and I’m very sorry to inform you that the government is cynically taking advantage of your sincere goodwill and your presence here today to duplicitously further its political agenda.

As lawful representatives of your various countries, you are well aware of the protocols for establishing diplomatic relations and, in this case, those diplomatic relations are clearly established between your respective countries and the Republic of China, which is the only diplomatic entity that can legitimately claim to represent Taiwan on the world stage. Today, you are here to congratulate the Republic of China on the 111th anniversary of its establishment as a nation.

However, by formally presenting this day as “Taiwan National Day”, the administration of President Tsai Ying-wen is attempting a clumsy and transparent bureaucratic sleight of hand, enlisting the goodwill of your people, represented by your presence here today, to play petty political games and consolidate power to themselves at the expense of Taiwan’s democratic traditions and future.

Please understand: today, as we have every year on this day for over a century, we celebrate the National Day of the Republic of China. We warmly welcome you and are deeply grateful for your continuing support for our country. You are true friends of the Republic of China and the people of Taiwan. We wish you peace and joy, and continued freedom from cynical, dishonest tyrants.

May God bless you and your people, and the Republic of China.

這篇文章 國慶日遭竄改「TAIWAN NATIONAL DAY」 毛嘉慶:DPP全黨都是賊! 最早出現於 火報


