熱門: 黃子佼 徐巧芯 地震


台灣好報/ 2022.02.12 23:08
新聞圖片 張競

我以「美國將臺海問題國際化」為題撰寫評論後,學界先進私下來電,質疑我光是看到拜登政府所公佈《美國印太戰略》(Indo-Pacific Strategy of the United States)內文提到
⋯⋯⋯We will also work with partners inside and outside of the region to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait including by supporting Taiwan’s self-defense capabilities to ensure an environment in which Taiwan’s future is determined peacefully in accordance with the wishes and best interests of Taiwan’s people. As we do so our approach remains consistent with our One China policy and our longstanding commitments under the Taiwan Relations Act the Three Joint Communiqués and the Six Assurances.⋯⋯⋯⋯

在白宮於2月11日週五美國東部時間1500公佈該份政策文件前,當天早上11時07分,白宮曾為媒體先行舉辦過說明會,會中由不具名之政策主管高階官員(以senior administration official作為代稱),向媒體先行提報說明該份政策文件,完整記錄亦對外公佈於白宮網頁
⋯⋯⋯This is the first — it is also — we’ve seen the first time a sitting U.S. President has addressed the Pacific Islands Forum. And it’s the first time that we — that every member of the G7 and the Republic of Korea have stated publicly the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.⋯⋯⋯

⋯⋯ So with that I’ll take questions.


Q Hi. Thanks. Two quick questions. One is: Could you maybe elaborate or just expand a little bit on our thinking of — or your thinking of how the U.S. policy towards Taiwan and its potential defense may have evolved or just how you’re kind of currently thinking about that?

But also like with AUKUS we saw Australia kind of really stop hedging its bets and maybe kind of sign up with the U.S. and others. Do you see progress on that front with a country like India which is not quite so sure yet? Thank you.

SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL: So look let me just first touch on Taiwan. Obviously we fully recognize the importance of peace and stability in and across the straits of Taiwan.

I think you know we explicitly say that we will work with partners inside and outside the region to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait including by supporting Taiwan’s self-defense capabilities to ensure an environment in which Taiwan’s future is determined peacefully in accordance with the wishes and best interests of Taiwan’s people.

You know we see — and I think you’ve seen our efforts to get more countries to articulate the strong interests that virtually everybody has in maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. And I think that we will continue working on that effort.

And I think that we believe that the greater interest in the Indo-Pacific from partners outside the region is a real opportunity to expand the international interest in this and sent very clear signals to all concerned about the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the strait.⋯⋯⋯

至於這位senior administration official倒底是誰?從回答問題時,都會脫口而出的口頭禪I think you know以及You know we see,真實身份大概就已經呼之欲出囉!

最後再提醒一下,在這個經常吃速食,閱讀也靠懶人包的時代,不妨再看看“FACT SHEET: Indo-Pacific Strategy of the United States”,這也公佈在白宮網站
https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2022/02/11/fact-sheet-indo-pacific-strategy-of-the-united-states/ 內容份量應該足夠名嘴上節目扯蛋用囉!


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