【今傳媒/記者葉志雲報導】聯合國維和者聯邦委員會(United Nations Peace Keepers Federal Council )2021年11月21日在尼泊爾加德滿都舉行的年會中,特別頒發人道主義者奬項給尼泊爾菩薩寺,表彰慧光師父在2020年及2021年投身於尼泊爾新冠肺炎疫情及水患災年 ,進行超過10萬多個家庭的食物救濟,以及氧氣機、呼吸器等醫療物資之急難救助。其他獲得頒獎項的國家分別來自印度、泰國、緬甸。
頒獎典禮中,聯合國維和者聯邦委員會總會長UNPKFC President Dr. Aphinita Chaichana 特別邀請來自台灣的慧光師父等僧眾點燈加持,祈求世界和平。慧光師父為台灣台中市大里區菩薩寺的住持,7年多前隻身前往尼泊爾加德滿都山區傳法興學,創辦菩薩沙彌學院,多年來台灣及尼泊爾兩地奔波,積極籌募辦學教育基金,並購地開辦菩薩沙彌學院及菩薩寺,目前已動工興建之中。
慧光師父在興辦佛教育之餘,本著「你不光是給他一份食物,是要讓他知道有人愛著他,和你一起成為愛。」信念,亦極力投注社會資源於當地急難救助志業,最為具體的是,在2020及2021這兩年,更是不遺餘力投身於尼泊爾新冠肺炎疫情及水患災情 ,據統計,總共進行超過10萬多個家庭的食物救濟,以及氧氣機、呼吸器等醫療物資之急難救助。
由於佛陀是最偉大的和平導師,我們了解和平,只能通過愛和慈悲來實現。沒有愛和慈悲,家庭就不能幸福安寧,社會也不能進步、繁榮與和諧。為了完善這些偉大的內在個人品德,必須有智慧和對生活的正確理解。因此,教育是培養這些品德的唯一方法。 2013年來自台灣、香港、加拿大和美國的菩薩寺,決議一起來到佛陀的出生地,建立尼泊爾菩薩寺,以便在這裡培養更多年輕有為的僧眾,促進文化、教育與和平。
在過去的兩年裡,由於Covid-19大流行,人們的生活遭受了巨大的損失,失去了家人和經濟穩定。透過來自美國、加拿大、中國、香港、台灣、馬來西亞和新加坡等國的佛教徒慈悲捐助,菩薩寺在毘亞拉特納·馬哈詹博士的慈悲協助下,運送了700台製氧機、呼吸器、超過30萬個口罩、消毒劑和其他醫療用品以及緊急口糧,幫助尼泊爾10 萬多個家庭和政府醫療機構。
Honerable Minister of Culture and Tourism of Nepal, Venerable Monks, President of UNKPFC Honourable Madam Dr Aphinita Chaichana and All Distinguish International Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen Namaste and good afternoon to you all!
In representing Bodhisattva Vihara of Nepal, I am truly honored to be invited to attend this year’s United Nations Peace Keepers Federal Council Award Ceremony. Since this UN council is founded to support, promote, and implement the United Nations mandate on “Peacebuilding”, as a Buddhist monk, I highly praise and sincerely agree with this council’s respectable objectives. As Lord Buddha is the greatest teacher of peace, we learn that peace could only be attained through love and compassion. Without love and compassion, families could not live in happiness and peace and the society also cannot progress, prosper and live in harmony. In order to perfect these great inner personal qualities, there must be wisdom and the right understanding of life. Therefore, education is the only method to train and cultivate these qualities. In 2013, our temple from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Canada and US has joined together and come to the land of the Buddha to establish Bodhisattva Vihara so that we can training more young talented monk teachers to promote culture, education and peace in this great nation.
During the past 2 years, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, people’s lives have suffered greatly with the loss of family members and economic stability. With numerous compassionate contributions from concern Buddhists living in countries like US, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore, Bodhisattva Vihara has worked diligently with the kind assistance of Dr. Piyaratna Maharjan to deliver 700 oxygen concentrators, CPAP, over 300 thousand masks, sanitizers and other medical supplies and emergency food rations to help more than 100 thousand families and government health facilities in Nepal. In the future, it is our hope that we may form a stronger bond by joining hands to promote peace in Nepal. Thank you so much!