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專家作家姜愛玲老師vs 爽爆新聞網google newsrss總編輯張恭銘Jeff名人會客室2021平面雙語專訪

爽爆新聞網/ 2021.01.10 02:49

專家作家姜愛玲老師vs 爽爆新聞網google newsrss總編輯張恭銘Jeff名人會客室2021平面雙語專訪



所有新聞網的讀者,大家好我是姜愛玲老師,接下來我要跟大家介紹我的作品「你聽見了孩子的求救訊號嗎?資深動作治療師帶你從孩子的言行看見孩子的問題」,  我是一位身心工作者,從多年的實務經驗中了解到,人與人之間除了語言文字的溝通之外,非語言溝通也占了極高的比重。我們能以各種理解程度,來傳達各種形式的訊息,這樣的溝通過程並不僅限於說和寫的語言。當我們和別人互動時,有時候溝通順暢,有時卻溝通不良,這並非遣詞用字或思考邏輯的問題,而是關乎當互動的雙方在傳達自己的意思時,接受訊息一方對於另一方的非語言表達了解多少。文字的傳送與接收,只占了人類溝通的一小部分,所以在舞蹈治療的訓練中,我們必須學習與懂得觀察別人各式各樣的身體動作及姿態,以了解這些動作與姿態背後的「行為語言」。


























  20個孩子最常被大人忽略的身體訊息、5組肢體互動小遊戲以及N個簡易肢體觀察小技巧,讓父母在閱讀別人的故事裡,找到孩  子隱藏在行為之下的真實話語,有效改善孩子的行為問題!























Part 1 花招百出的孩子需要的是關注









Part 2瞎話不斷的小孩也有不得已



























Part5 落單孩子發出的求救訊號













  美國Liberty University心理諮商碩士/New York University文化暨傳播碩士、澳洲Wesley Institute of Minisry & the Arts舞蹈治療研究所。




  現任:恩主公醫院精神科暨日間照護 舞蹈治療師/台灣亞太健康管理協會 理事、舞蹈治療顧問/台灣費登奎斯教育中心「動中覺察」合格教師/台灣舞蹈治療研究協會 專業認證舞蹈治療師。



  《Disney‘s GOTCHA!幼兒美語教材》(合著)












  《Da Ai Shou: Healing Hands of Universal Love大愛手小冊》英文版〔合譯〕






Expert writer Jiang Ailing vs. Zhang Gongming, editor-in-chief of google newsrss of Shuangbao News.com, a bilingual interview with Jeff celebrity reception room in 2021

Q: Can I ask the expert writer Jiang Ailing to briefly introduce the book “Have you heard the child’s distress signal? A senior motion therapist will show you the child’s problems from the child’s words and deeds”?


Hello to all the readers of the news network, I am teacher Ailing Jiang. Next, I want to introduce my work “Have you heard the child’s distress signal? A senior motion therapist will show you the child’s problem from the child’s words and deeds”,   我 I am a physical and mental worker. I have learned from years of practical experience that in addition to verbal and written communication between people, non-verbal communication also accounts for a very high proportion.  We can convey various forms of information with various levels of understanding. This communication process is not limited to spoken and written language.  When we interact with others, sometimes the communication is smooth, and sometimes the communication is poor. This is not about using words or thinking about logic, but about when the two interacting parties are conveying their own meanings, the one who accepts the message is about the other.  How much do you know about nonverbal expression.  The transmission and reception of text only accounts for a small part of human communication. Therefore, in dance therapy training, we must learn and understand the various body movements and postures of others in order to understand the behind these movements and postures.  Behavioral language”.


   The people I come into contact with at work cover all ages, and of course children are included.  In my experience of leading children and parent-child courses, in addition to paying attention to the children’s actions, words and deeds, and physical and mental state in the group, I also pay attention to their interaction with their parents before and after the group.  I once brought a group of children. In the first class, I found that a child had great range of motion and strength, and he was also used to yelling. In a small treatment room, he  The voice often appears quite harsh.  After the group was over, as soon as I opened the door of the treatment room, he rushed out and called his mother loudly, saying that it was too late, and then it was fast, but his mother also responded loudly: “Telled you  How many times don’t run around, you won’t listen! If you don’t behave, be careful that I kill you!” After I heard it, I was shocked. No wonder this kid couldn’t control his impulse-it was revealed by his actions and voice.  Is it because he is often treated this way, so he has copied it like this?


   This situation makes me think deeply: Is it possible that parents’ words and deeds in daily life, whether intentionally or unintentionally, cultivate or even strengthen children’s inappropriate attitudes and actions?  Do parents understand the child’s physical and mental feelings hidden under the behavior?  Many big problems are actually derived from the accumulation of small problems.  As a parent, how do you start small and make your child’s behavior and behavior more appropriate?


   “Children are a mirror for parents”.  Children’s behavior is often the reproduction of the parents’ words and deeds, and it may also be the result of parents’ neglect of understanding and company.  Children who yell at other people in groups are often yelled, cursed, and threatened by their parents at home; mothers who complain that their children always can’t find things and are too lazy to organize their toys, never thought it was because  I have been by my side to help tidy up, and missed the opportunity to train the children to be responsible for themselves; in the group talking about non-stop children, in fact, there is a great lack of opportunities for self-expression, just because she was scolded at home when she opened her mouth;  The little boy who walked with his mother’s purse was not short of money, but he did not dare to admit his theft. In fact, it was just to get his parents’ attention from quarreling with each other back to him; a group of poor academic performance, but still working hard, and  The multi-talented middle school students, because their parents and teachers dominate their academic performance, accumulate scolding and contempt, resulting in a severely low self-confidence. They were even bullied by classmates with excellent homework at school, but the teachers turned a blind eye, making these children lose hope for the future… 


I sincerely hope to share this book with parents and teachers, take the various textures of movements as the starting point, through observation and children’s behaviors and on-the-spot feelings of children’s physical movements, step by step, to unlock children’s behavior codes and understand children’s needs.  It’s what the child’s body language says, and instantly discover and respond to where the child needs to be taken care of and understood, and how the parent and child can further empathize with each other’s physical and mental feelings during the game and interaction process, and make family love  The communication is smooth and unimpeded.  When children feel the complete love and care of their parents, they will naturally show positive behaviors.  Children’s stable emotions and decent behavior do come from their parents’ sincere care and example.  Only by becoming a high-quality parent with delicate feelings can we cultivate healthy and happy high-quality children.

Dear parents, you know certain physical movements and postures of children,

   may be sending you a distress signal,

   Did you hear that?


   The child’s body movements are childish words full of information and hints, sometimes more real than words;

   It reflects the child’s personal happiness and comfort, as well as the deepest fears and conflicts in the heart.

  In every communication between you and your child, words and languages ​​only play a role of 30%.

  The inaudible children’s words-body movements account for 70%!

   Only to become parents who feel delicate first, at the moment when improper words and deeds happen,

   stopped and “looked” at the back of the child’s behavior,

   can “hear” the true words hidden under the behavior,

   Find the distress and healing that suddenly came to light, and effectively solve the child’s growth crisis!


  ▍Combining psychology + movement therapy, prescribe the right medicine to guide children to develop positive behaviors

The author has a master’s degree in psychological counseling, combined with 15 years of experience as a dance/movement therapist, through professional psychological observations and effective body movement therapy, to accompany parents step by step to unlock their children’s behavior codes and understand their needs (physical  What do you want to say), immediately discover and respond to the place where the child needs to be taken care of and understood, and how the parent and child can further empathize with each other’s physical and mental feelings during the game and interaction process, so that the family can communicate smoothly and unimpeded  interactive.


  ▍Through a large number of actual cases, let parents understand the information behind the child’s behavior and provide decoding skills to solve the problem

20 children’s most frequently overlooked body information by adults, 5 sets of physical interaction games and N simple physical observation tips, allowing parents to read other people’s stories and find the true words hidden under their behaviors, effectively improving children  Behavior problem!


  ▍The teaching and interactive experience of the senior motion therapist is made public, helping to unlock the child’s behavior code

   The various postures and movements of many children are not bad postures, but truthfully show their views on the people, things and external environment around them through their bodies…


  Behavioral Decoding 1. When the child is under a lot of stress: hunched over, slumped forward shoulders and weak arms are all reflex physiological mechanisms to balance stress.


Behavior Decoding 2. When the child tries to hide: blinking quickly, not daring to look at the parents, looking down, swallowing continuously, licking the lips or clearing the throat, talking with the hand, putting the hand on the throat, twisting the fingers,  Wiping your nose, scratching your head, touching your neck, shrugging your shoulders, etc. are all common body postures that occur during a conversation.


  Behavior Decoding 3. When children are unwilling in their hearts: they will show their feelings of not being cared or valued with a cold expression, a curved back and a collapsed chest.


  Behavior Decoding 4. When the child is not confident: the posture will be tighter, the head will not be able to lift up, the steps are small and light, which is the posture that is prone to attack.


Behavior Decoding 5. Some parents do not allow children to crawl and roll on the ground because they love their children, nor do they allow them to do activities on the ground outdoors… In fact, crawling, rolling, and rolling are important actions in the development of children, not only  It promotes the development of children’s large and fine motor movements. It also stimulates the development of the inner ear, vestibule, bones and nervous system. It helps maintain balance, hand-eye coordination, balanced development of left and right brains, as well as memory and comprehension. It is extremely helpful for mathematical learning  .

Book features


  ■Illustrated children’s body language: actual cases with illustrations help parents to understand the children more easily, and are also more fascinating.


  ■The small physical classroom column: 20 coping strategies + 5 sets of interactive physical games combining psychology and movement therapy + N simple physical observation skills to help you unlock your child’s behavioral code and improve your child’s behavioral problems

Simply share the content of this book with everyone

table of Contents

Author’s Preface: Every physical movement is silent childish speech

Introduction: Understanding the language of the body

Part 1 All tricks children need is attention

“Teacher, let me tell you…” “Dad, play with me!”… A child who talks non-stop or always wants to attract attention is not deliberately asking for trouble, but there is something in his heart that needs an adult  The corner of attention.

Teacher 01, let me tell you…

02 Hmph, obviously I am better than him!

03 Well… I want to stay at home.

04No, I just don’t!

Body Classroom

˙The body’s mood story

˙The body and mind are quick and easy──Emotional communication in action

Part 2 Children who keep talking nonsense also have to

Why do children give up honesty despite everything?  In fact, children also have their “desires”…

05Because the time is up!

06 It’s not me, I really didn’t take it!

07 I did not cheat!

08 Obviously you promised!

Body Classroom

˙Contact and use of space

˙The body loves graffiti── Let the imagination relieve the pressure of Fun

Part3 The capricious child wants help

“No, I just don’t!” “Let me play again~”…All kinds of children’s willful and shameless behaviors are actually sending us a distress signal.

09 Where is my koala?

10 people are very busy!

11 The teacher said to find this…

12 I like to draw

Body Classroom

˙Time and rhythm of action

˙The small magic mirror of the body──inspiring children’s initiative

Part4The inner words of fragile and disturbed children

When children face setbacks, whether they choose to attack or surrender, they actually reveal their deep inner insecurity and lack of self-confidence. Their hearts are actually very fragile.

13 It’s not me, but he fell down!

14 I feel very ugly!

15 But, I will not…

16 Good homework is a good student?  !

Body Classroom

˙The strength and retraction of the mind and body

˙Body Sculptor──Create a confident and good posture

Part5 The distress signal sent by the child placed alone

Every child whose interpersonal relationship is blocked has unknown bitterness; sometimes the blurring of body boundaries and the wrong use of space…may be the reason why they are alone.

17 This is mine, I don’t want to share it!

18 Nonsense, how can I be like this!

19Who told him to be so white-eyed!

20 Why don’t they like me?

Body Classroom

˙Seeing the child’s sense of distance

˙Rhythm you, me and him──play out the hidden rules of interpersonal

About the interviewee

Irene Jiang


   dance/action therapist

   Master of Psychological Counseling, Liberty University, USA/Master of Culture and Communication, New York University, Wesley Institute of Minisry & the Arts, Dance Therapy Institute, Australia.


Originally I thought about digital communication, but later changed to become an action worker. He has been committed to the practice and inheritance of holistic physical and mental healing/integration for many years. The text creation focuses on the contemporary society in which you and I live, and reflects in witty and straightforward writing.  Life is diverse, sharing the diverse aspects of modern life through travel, video and text taste, and has traveled to more than 40 countries in the world.


Current position: Dance therapist of Psychiatric Department and Day Care at Enzhugong Hospital/Taiwan Asia-Pacific Health Management Association Director, Dance Therapy Consultant/Taiwan Fedenquist Education Center “Awareness in Motion” qualified teacher/Taiwan Dance Therapy Research Association Professional Certified Dance Therapist  .


  【Books over the years

   “Disney’s GOTCHA! American English Teaching Material for Children” (co-author)

   “The Heart Is Dancing: Meeting Dance Therapy”

   “The hedgehog kid is not difficult to do: To make the child obedient, listen to the child first”

   “Book of Perfect Parents’ Development” (co-author)

   “Girl, practice traveling alone”

   “Assisted and Integrated Therapy” (co-author)

   “Stop wronging yourself and seek others’ approval: 20 lessons to learn how to break through life without being wronged”


  【Latest work

   “Did you hear the child’s call for help?  A senior motion therapist will show you the child’s problems from the child’s words and deeds”


   [Translation over the years]

   “Da Ai Shou: Healing Hands of Universal Love” English Version [Co-translation]

   “The Book of Yoga Beauty”

   “Assassin’s Story 2: The Royal Assassin” (up/down)

   “Assassin’s Story 3: Assassin Mission” (up/down)

   “Magic Manufacturing Co., Ltd.”

   “Dance Movement Therapy: The Art of Healing” (co-translation)




