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舞蹈治療作家姜愛玲老師vs 爽爆新聞網google newsrss總編輯張恭銘Jeff名人會客室2021平面雙語獨家專訪:關於全球未來即將會大流行的新專業癒療課程 –關於舞蹈治療11個Q&A專業答客問(首訪版)

爽爆新聞網/ 2021.01.10 00:30

舞蹈治療作家姜愛玲老師vs 爽爆新聞網google newsrss總編輯張恭銘Jeff名人會客室2021平面雙語獨家專訪:關於全球未來即將會大流行的新專業癒療課程關於舞蹈治療11Q&A專業答客問(首訪版)

Q1. 請問姜老師舞蹈治療是什麼?它和一般舞蹈有何不同?


(1) 所有爽爆新聞網的讀者大家好我是姜愛玲老師,很開心在這邊跟大家分享關於舞蹈治療的專業。舞蹈治療是透過「身體動作」作為一種「改變」的媒介,讓個人的身體、心理及社會功能達到整合的狀態(李宗芹,2001),也就是藉由身體動作抒發心情,把腦筋的思考放在一邊,改由身體去找到感性與直覺,找出那個「不對勁」的來源和動作的意義,透過動作將身體和心靈連接起來(台灣舞蹈治療研究協會)。

(2) 我們打從呱呱落地的那一刻起,就一邊哭、一邊揮舞著手腳表達自己,所以我們一出生就在舞動自己的身體(姜愛玲,2007),只是在普遍的觀念中,跳舞總是和舞蹈的「美感」表現劃上等號,好像必須有舞步和架勢才算舞蹈。舞蹈治療並不是教或學什麼舞,而是以各種身體的律動擴大身體的活動範圍,同時進行身心的覺察,和自己當下的感覺共存,讓身體和心中感覺協調一致。一般舞蹈的動作有必須遵循的舞步、形式與規則,舞蹈治療則是在無技巧、無規則中,肢體自然舞動,並逐步接納自己的身體形貌。動作有不同的層次,一開始是身體層面的動作,例如運用暖身讓成員動起來、增加覺察,進一步則透過身體做心理上的交流,藉由舞動深入過往的心理事件。另外,身體動作也能促進人際關係的建立、修正與他人溝通的方式(李宗芹,2001)。換句話說,舞蹈治療師引導舞蹈治療的參與者運用自身的創造力跳出自己的感覺、自己的舞。

Q2. 舞蹈治療的起源?理論基礎?


(1) 舞蹈治療是1940年代在美國發展起來的。原為現代舞者的瑪莉安‧雀絲(Marian Chace1896-1970),在舞蹈教學的過程中注意到有些學生對於舞蹈所表達出來的情感很有興趣,而不單是追求高超的舞技,所以她就開始鼓勵學生以肢體動作進行自我表達。當她的學生逐漸體會到舞動可幫助他們卸下心理的負擔、促進身心健康時,話就傳開來了,許多醫界人士也對她的工作感到好奇。於是,醫生們開始把病人送到雀絲那裡,其中就有精神病患。後來雀絲就在美國華盛頓特區的聖伊莉莎白醫院工作,同時進入華盛頓心理治療學院進修。她相信以肢體語言進行人際互動,可以幫助病患走出封閉的自我、建立自信,並透過動作激發想像和創造力。1966年美國舞蹈治療協會成立,雀絲是第一任理事長,後來其他國家也紛紛設立舞蹈治療專業機構;台灣舞蹈治療研究協會則於2002年正式成立(姜愛玲,2007)。

(2) 舞蹈治療在一開始受到精神分析學派和拉邦動作分析的影響很大,所以現代舞、精神分析和拉邦動作分析成為舞蹈治療最初的運作基礎。舞蹈治療有兩個主要的理論基礎:一、情緒和身體的相互連結性;二、創造力能夠促進心理的健康。以精神分析學派的舞蹈治療來說,是結合身體動作及傳統的口語治療,在自發性的即興動作過程中體現、反應和分析潛意識中的感受和記憶。因此,舞蹈治療著重於身體表現出的內在情緒衝突。另外,人的身體動作是身體意象的直接表達,舞蹈治療則是藉由自發性的動作過程促進個體再確認、思考、分析、並整合自己的身體記憶,而達到行為改變的效果(台灣大百科全書:舞蹈治療)。到了後來就逐漸發展出各種舞蹈治療學派,例如創造性模式、結合榮格心理學的真實動作學派,以及完形舞蹈治療等等。

Q3. 舞蹈治療的應用範圍?


(1) 嬰兒:透過非語言方式,提供嬰兒前語言期的發展,建立嬰兒的身體探索基礎和父母親與嬰兒之間的互動;

(2) 兒童及青少年:特別是情緒的紓解和關係的建立,運用動作建立接觸,以及開展他們的自我意識;

(3) 一般成人:透過舞蹈將心理困擾、衝突、悲傷、憤怒、妄想等情緒轉化紓解,並提供正向的表達與溝通;

(4) 銀髮族:建立生理和心理上的安全感,使他們重新獲得自我價值感和生命力;

(5) 阿茲海默症、藥物濫用、菸癮酒癮、飲食疾患、精神疾病等:主要是運用舞蹈治療建立對自己身體的現實感和自我知覺,並且重新建立人際關係。(台灣舞蹈治療研究協會)

Q4. 舞蹈治療目前是獨立運作,或者也有和醫院所提供的治療結合?


Q5. 舞蹈治療如何與醫院的治療配合?



Q6. 舞蹈治療研究協會成立之目的和服務項目?


(1) 921大地震後,國內的助人工作者感覺到心理治療領域中只有語言是不足的,肯定從身體著手以達到心理治療效果的重要性和必要性,在2002年由榮譽理事長、輔仁大學心理系李宗芹副教授成立台灣舞蹈治療研究協會,目的是促進國內舞蹈治療及表達性藝術治療、心理健康的研究發展、教育訓練、實務工作、會員聯誼,以及和國內外相關表達藝術治療和身心健康機構聯繫及合作。



(1) 舞蹈治療師通常會先以口語簡單的問候大家,如果是第一次的團體或個案,通常會包括雙方的自我介紹,接著就開始暖身(也可能先暖身再自我介紹),之後就開始進行各種動作探索和實驗,治療師會在過程中觀察,然後在適當時機以引導團體成員或個案做進一步的動作發展或即興創作。最後,治療師會用團體分享的方式幫助大家用口語將舞動時伴隨的意象、感覺、情感等模糊不清的狀態,帶到意識層面,使整個過程產生治療性(李宗芹,2001)。

(2) 在一般的地板教室或韻律教室就可以進行舞蹈治療。







(1) 以舞蹈治療師而言,她/他要很敏銳的去感覺團體成員或個案的身體動作,比方說在他們的動作中感覺到大家累了,或者有某種情緒正透過他們的動作或表情醞釀著,也要有能力運用同理心和團體動力,讓整個舞蹈治療的過程更深入。參與舞蹈治療課程或團體的人,可以先把腦筋的思考放在一邊,帶著輕鬆的心情讓身體動出自己的韻律。

(2) 沒有太嚴重的肢體障礙、對自己或他人沒有嚴重攻擊性的人,都可進行舞蹈治療。當然,舞蹈治療師會依照團體成員或個案的身心狀況來設計活動,並不是一定要跳得多高、動作要多大才叫舞蹈治療。










  美國Liberty University心理諮商碩士/New York University文化暨傳播碩士、澳洲Wesley Institute of Minisry & the Arts舞蹈治療研究所。




  現任:恩主公醫院精神科暨日間照護 舞蹈治療師/台灣亞太健康管理協會 理事、舞蹈治療顧問/台灣費登奎斯教育中心「動中覺察」合格教師/台灣舞蹈治療研究協會 專業認證舞蹈治療師。



  《Disney‘s GOTCHA!幼兒美語教材》(合著)












  《Da Ai Shou: Healing Hands of Universal Love大愛手小冊》英文版〔合譯〕






Dance therapy writer Jiang Ailing vs. Shuangbang News.com google newsrss editor-in-chief Zhang Gongming Jeff celebrity meeting room 2021 bilingual bilingual exclusive interview: about the global future pandemic new professional healing course-about dance therapy 11 professional Q&A questions  (First visit version)

Q1. What is Mr. Jiang’s dance therapy?  How is it different from ordinary dance?


(1) Hello to all the readers of Shuangbao News. I am teacher Jiang Ailing. I am very happy to share with you my professional dance therapy.  Dance therapy uses “body movements” as a medium of “change” to bring the individual’s physical, psychological and social functions into a state of integration (Li Zongqin, 2001), that is, expressing the mood through body movements and putting brain thinking on  On the one hand, it is the body to find the sensibility and intuition, to find the source of the “wrong” and the meaning of the movement, and to connect the body and the mind through movement (Taiwan Dance Therapy Research Association).

(2) From the moment we croak to the ground, we cried and waved our hands and feet to express ourselves, so we danced our bodies as soon as we were born (Jiang Ailing, 2007), but in the common sense, dancing is always harmonious  The performance of the “beauty” of dance is equated, as if dance steps and posture are required to be considered dance.  Dance therapy is not about teaching or learning any dance, but to expand the range of physical activity with various body rhythms, and at the same time perform physical and mental awareness, coexist with one’s current feelings, and make the body and mind feel coordinated.  Generally, dance moves have steps, forms, and rules that must be followed. Dance therapy involves natural movement of the limbs without skills and rules, and gradually accepts one’s body shape.  There are different levels of action. At first, it is a physical level action, such as warming up members to move and increase awareness, and further psychological communication through the body, deepening past psychological events through dancing.  In addition, body movements can also promote the establishment of interpersonal relationships and modify the way of communicating with others (Li Zongqin, 2001).  In other words, the dance therapist guides the participants of dance therapy to use their creativity to jump out of their own feelings and their own dance.

Q2. The origin of dance therapy?  The theoretical basis?


(1) Dance therapy was developed in the United States in the 1940s.  Marian Chace (1896-1970), who was originally a modern dancer, noticed that some students were very interested in the emotions expressed in dance during the dance teaching process, not just pursuing superb dance skills  , So she began to encourage students to express themselves through body movements.  When her students gradually realized that dancing can help them relieve their psychological burden and promote physical and mental health, the words spread, and many medical professionals are also curious about her work.  So, the doctors began to send the patients to the finches, among them were mental patients.  Later, Chess worked at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, DC, and entered the Washington College of Psychotherapy for further studies.  She believes that using body language to interact with people can help patients get out of their closed selves, build self-confidence, and stimulate imagination and creativity through movements.  In 1966, the American Dance Therapy Association was established, and Chess was the first chairman. Later, other countries also established professional dance therapy institutions; the Taiwan Dance Therapy Research Association was formally established in 2002 (Jiang Ailing, 2007).

(2) At the beginning, dance therapy was greatly influenced by the psychoanalysis school and Labang movement analysis. Therefore, modern dance, psychoanalysis and Labang movement analysis became the initial operating basis of dance therapy.  There are two main theoretical foundations for dance therapy: one is the interconnectivity of emotion and body; two, creativity can promote mental health.  For dance therapy of the psychoanalytic school, it is a combination of body movements and traditional oral therapy, reflecting, reacting and analyzing subconscious feelings and memories in the process of spontaneous improvisation.  Therefore, dance therapy focuses on the inner emotional conflict that the body shows.  In addition, human body movements are the direct expression of body images, while dance therapy promotes individuals to reconfirm, think, analyze, and integrate their body memories through spontaneous movement processes to achieve the effect of behavior change (Taiwan Encyclopedia)  Full book: Dance therapy).  Later, various schools of dance therapy were gradually developed, such as creative mode, real movement school combined with Jungian psychology, and Gestalt dance therapy.

Q3. The scope of application of dance therapy?

A: Dance therapy has a wide range of applications:

(1) Infant: through non-verbal means, provide the development of the pre-infant linguistic phase, establish the infant’s physical exploration foundation and the interaction between parents and infants;

(2) Children and adolescents: especially emotional relief and relationship establishment, using movements to establish contact, and develop their self-awareness;

(3) General adults: Transform and relieve emotions such as psychological distress, conflict, sadness, anger, delusion, etc. through dance, and provide positive expression and communication;

(4) Silver-haired people: establish a sense of physical and psychological security, so that they can regain their sense of self-worth and vitality;

(5) Alzheimer’s disease, drug abuse, addiction to tobacco and alcohol, eating disorders, mental illness, etc.: mainly using dance therapy to establish a sense of reality and self-perception of one’s body, and to re-establish interpersonal relationships.  (Taiwan Dance Therapy Research Association)

Q4. Is dance therapy currently operated independently, or is it combined with the treatment provided by the hospital?

A: As far as the association is concerned, our dance therapists lead dance therapy groups in psychiatric day wards, rehabilitation clinics, education and social welfare institutions in hospitals, and also accept invitations from schools, organizations or social welfare institutions.  Leading stress relief or smoking cessation workshops, etc.

Q5. How does dance therapy cooperate with hospital treatment?

A: Performing dance therapy in a medical institution is actually a team work. In addition to physicians and dance therapists, this team also includes psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists or rehabilitation specialists, and nursing staff.  In helping the dance therapist understand the patient’s condition, treatment experience, physical fitness and cognitive status, and even some special situations of getting along with family members and interpersonal interactions, etc., this is very helpful for setting group goals and treatment plans.  Different professions understand each other and work together for the well-being of patients.

In the psychiatric department of hospitals, there are many patients who have been hospitalized or stayed in the hospital for many years. In addition to medication and psychotherapy, they may also participate in courses expressing art therapy and other skill orientations. These kinds of treatments and group activities are mainly for their  The condition will not degenerate, and at the same time, the limb development and social function will be restored.

Q6. The purpose and service items of the Dance Therapy Research Association?


(1) After the 921 earthquake, domestic helpers felt that language alone was insufficient in the field of psychotherapy. They affirmed the importance and necessity of starting from the body to achieve the effect of psychotherapy. In 2002, the honorary director and Fu Ren  Associate Professor Li Zongqin of the Department of Psychology of the University established the Taiwan Dance Therapy Research Association, with the purpose of promoting domestic dance therapy and expressive art therapy, mental health research and development, education and training, practical work, membership networking, and related expression art therapy and physical and mental health at home and abroad  Institutional contact and cooperation.

Q7 What are the steps and methods of dance therapy?  What kind of space is needed?


(1) The dance therapist usually greets everyone in simple spoken words. If it is the first group or case, it will usually include self-introduction of both parties, and then start to warm up (or maybe warm up first and then introduce yourself).  Afterwards, various movement explorations and experiments began. The therapist will observe during the process, and then guide the group members or the individual to do further movement development or improvisation at the appropriate time.  Finally, the therapist will use group sharing to help everyone use oral language to bring the blurred images, feelings, and emotions that accompany the dance to the level of consciousness, making the whole process therapeutic (Li Zongqin, 2001).

(2) Dance therapy can be performed in a general floor classroom or rhythm classroom.

Q8: How long does the dance therapy take each time?  How long does it take to produce therapeutic effects?

A: In the case of group dance therapy, it ranges from one hour to two hours each time, and most individual treatments are within one hour.  Regarding how long it takes to produce curative effects, it varies from person to person.  For depression patients who participated in a dance therapy group, after a two-hour dance therapy group once a week for ten weeks, most of them bowed their heads and did not speak from the beginning, and their movements were relatively small, lighter, and relatively light.  Slow, and later the action became more and more developed and changed, with a smile on his face, I was more willing to speak and share in the group, chat with other members during breaks, and even meet for dinner and go shopping, etc. This is a big change.  .  So regarding time and curative effect, in fact, like general psychotherapy, it depends on each person’s own condition. Some people may be able to improve in a short time, and some people may take a year or two or more.

Q9: What music is usually used in dance therapy?

A: Music is not absolutely necessary in dance therapy. You can decide what music to use according to the content and purpose of the activity, and how much music to use in the activity.  Music with different textures, such as light, heavy, fast, and slow, can guide members to perform actions with these characteristics relatively quickly. For example, to experience the power of “light” or the flow of “free”, you can use soft music;  If you want to gradually achieve the consistency of the movement in the rhythm, you can use simple and fixed music; for more static activities such as relaxation and meditation, you can use some new century music or crystal music.  For in-depth inner exploration, music is not recommended, because people’s movements are easily affected by music. For example, you may make brisk and happy movements because you hear brisk music, but that does not necessarily mean doing movements.  The real feeling of the people at the moment is that the melody of music affects the action.

Q10: What should I pay attention to during dance therapy?  Can anyone perform dance therapy?


(1) In the case of a dance therapist, she/he should be keenly aware of the body movements of the group members or the individual, for example, feel that everyone is tired in their movements, or that some emotion is passing through their movements  Or the expression is brewing, but also the ability to use empathy and group motivation to deepen the entire dance therapy process.  Those who participate in dance therapy courses or groups can put their brains aside first, and let the body move its own rhythm with a relaxed mood.

(2) People who do not have too serious physical impairments and are not aggressive towards themselves or others can receive dance therapy.  Of course, dance therapists will design activities according to the physical and mental conditions of the group members or the individual. It is not necessary to jump how high or how big the movements are to be called dance therapy.

Q11: How do we cultivate awareness of the connection between body and mind?


You can usually pay more attention to your body to see if there are areas where you feel tight or painful. If it is not the pain caused by the injury, it is probably caused by the accumulation of stress.  You can calm down and relax first, use breathing and stretching to slowly relax those parts, and then examine your usual lifestyle and interpersonal interaction patterns to find out what may cause physical tension and emotional tension.

Dancing is the process of the encounter between the body and the mind. It allows us to see more clearly that our body and mind are closely linked (Li Zongqin, 2002; Jiang Ailing, 2007). Through free dancing, we can release tension and pressure.  Unblock emotions, promote the health and growth of body and mind.

Special thanks to Mr. Jiang Ailing for professional consultation on dance therapy Q&A

About Teacher Ailing Jiang’s Introduction

Irene Jiang


   dance/action therapist

   Master of Psychological Counseling, Liberty University, USA/Master of Culture and Communication, New York University, Wesley Institute of Minisry & the Arts, Dance Therapy Institute, Australia.


Originally I thought about digital communication, but later changed to become an action worker. He has been committed to the practice and inheritance of holistic physical and mental healing/integration for many years. The text creation focuses on the contemporary society in which you and I live, and reflects in witty and straightforward writing.  Life is diverse, sharing the diverse aspects of modern life through travel, video and text taste, and has traveled to more than 40 countries in the world.


Current position: Dance therapist of Psychiatric Department and Day Care at Enzhugong Hospital/Taiwan Asia-Pacific Health Management Association Director, Dance Therapy Consultant/Taiwan Fedenquist Education Center “Awareness in Motion” qualified teacher/Taiwan Dance Therapy Research Association Professional Certified Dance Therapist  .


  【Books over the years

   “Disney’s GOTCHA! American English Teaching Material for Children” (co-author)

   “The Heart Is Dancing: Meeting Dance Therapy”

   “The hedgehog kid is not difficult to do: To make the child obedient, listen to the child first”

   “Book of Perfect Parents’ Development” (co-author)

   “Girl, practice traveling alone”

   “Assisted and Integrated Therapy” (co-author)

   “Stop wronging yourself and seek others’ approval: 20 lessons to learn how to break through life without being wronged”


  【Latest work

   “Did you hear the child’s call for help?  A senior motion therapist will show you the child’s problems from the child’s words and deeds”


   [Translation over the years]

   “Da Ai Shou: Healing Hands of Universal Love” English Version [Co-translation]

   “The Book of Yoga Beauty”

   “Assassin’s Story 2: The Royal Assassin” (up/down)

   “Assassin’s Story 3: Assassin Mission” (up/down)

   “Magic Manufacturing Co., Ltd.”

   “Dance Movement Therapy: The Art of Healing” (co-translation)




