熱門: 油價 趙露思 五月天演唱會


美通社/[email protected] 2020.08.17 10:02

記錄COMPANION誕生20週年 - 歷史性升空時刻

香港­2020年8月17日 /美通社/ -- 2020年8月17日 (香港早上10時)KAWS:HOLIDAY第五站登陸太空由2018年起展開的KAWS:HOLIDAY世界巡迴展覽,從首爾出發,到台北、香港及日本,每一站均獲得極大迴響。2020年,KAWS再次與長期合作夥伴、主辦及策展單位AllRightsReserved攜手合作,KAWS:HOLIDAY展開新一趟旅程,其最具代表性的作品COMPANION升空,穿越大氣層,與世界各地的朋友一起遠離地球繁囂。跟隨COMPANION這趟療癒太空之旅,居高臨下回望地球。



For its fifth stop, KAWS:HOLIDAY travels to space! KAWS in collaboration with AllRightsReserved presents KAWS:HOLIDAY SPACE. COMPANION dons an astronaut suit and takes a sounding balloon 41.5 kilometers (136,296 feet) up into the Stratosphere. It was recorded with a 360-degree panoramic video camera, capturing COMPANION's historical moment and marking his 20th year in existence. Audiences from around the world can now escape with COMPANION.
For its fifth stop, KAWS:HOLIDAY travels to space! KAWS in collaboration with AllRightsReserved presents KAWS:HOLIDAY SPACE. COMPANION dons an astronaut suit and takes a sounding balloon 41.5 kilometers (136,296 feet) up into the Stratosphere. It was recorded with a 360-degree panoramic video camera, capturing COMPANION's historical moment and marking his 20th year in existence. Audiences from around the world can now escape with COMPANION.


For its fifth stop, KAWS:HOLIDAY travels to space! KAWS in collaboration with AllRightsReserved presents KAWS:HOLIDAY SPACE. COMPANION dons an astronaut suit and takes a sounding balloon 41.5 kilometers (136,296 feet) up into the Stratosphere. It was recorded with a 360-degree panoramic video camera, capturing COMPANION's historical moment and marking his 20th year in existence. Audiences from around the world can now escape with COMPANION.
For its fifth stop, KAWS:HOLIDAY travels to space! KAWS in collaboration with AllRightsReserved presents KAWS:HOLIDAY SPACE. COMPANION dons an astronaut suit and takes a sounding balloon 41.5 kilometers (136,296 feet) up into the Stratosphere. It was recorded with a 360-degree panoramic video camera, capturing COMPANION's historical moment and marking his 20th year in existence. Audiences from around the world can now escape with COMPANION.


KAWS時常為藝術作品發掘無限可能性,他表示:「今年有很多項目取消了,我希望創造一項大家可以安坐家中安全地感受和體會的作品。」KAWS續表示:「今年是我創造COMPANION 20週年,我覺得要在有限的環境當中做出特別的事情。過去的幾個月,我好像被抑壓著,投入創作這次KAWS:HOLIDAY太空站,確實給我一個釋放、逃離的機會。」


於KAWS IG上 : @kaws
於AllRightsReserved IG上 : @arr.allrightsreserved 
於AllRightsReserved Facebook上 : @AllRightsReserved

國際知名藝術家KAWS,來自美國紐約西南部工業區的布魯克林,曾在多個國家舉辦藝術個展。KAWS在廣告燈箱、電話亭及巴士站上畫上具有個人標誌的骷髏頭及XX 眼睛圖案,並因此而聞名。KAWS 的作品對當代視覺文化產生強大衝擊,並於歐美及日本等地受到熱烈追捧。

AllRightsReserved創意工作室(ARR),2003年於香港成立。ARR的長期合作夥伴為著名美國當代藝術家KAWS。由2010年的KAWS:PASSING THROUGH開始,到持續進行中的KAWS:HOLIDAY─巨型充氣雕塑COMPANION,以各種輕鬆姿態、於不同地區展出,包括韓國站(2018年7月),台北站(2019年1月),香港站(2019年3月)和日本站(2019年7月)。

視頻 - https://cdn5.prnasia.com/202008/AllRightsReserved/video.mp4
圖片 - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20200814/2883599-1-a?lang=2
圖片 - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20200814/2883599-1-b?lang=2




