「2020東吳國際超級馬拉松」停辦公告 Cancellation of the 2020 Soochow International Ultra-marathon
「2020東吳國際超級馬拉松」停辦公告 Cancellation of the 2020 Soochow International Ultra-marathon
(中央社訊息服務20200806 15:43:35)全球受新冠肺(COVID-19)疫情影響,多項國際知名大型馬拉松賽事均宣告停辦,近日境外疫情仍持續延燒,原訂於今年12月4日至5日舉辦的「2020東吳國際超級馬拉松」活動,經過籌備委員會審慎評估活動進行風險與賽事成效,在防疫優先、健康第一的前提下決定停辦今年賽事。
Due to COVID-19 many international ultra-marathon events have all been cancelled as precautions and risk management need to be placed at the forefront of any such activities. The organizing committee of the 2020 Soochow University International Ultra-marathon has accordingly decided to suspend the event previously scheduled in December as our effort in helping prevent the rampaging spread of the pandemic.
We would like to express our deepest appreciation to all sponsors and runners for the patience and support you have shown and given us. Let’s meet again in the 2021 Soochow University International Ultra-marathon.
The Organizing Committee of the 2020 Soochow University International Ultra-marathon.
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