
【向希斯萊傑致敬 小丑 JOKER 的十大經典諷世台詞 Why So Serious? 】

滔客/ 2016.01.22 00:00

''When I die, my money's not gonna come with me.My movies will live on for people to judge what I was as a person.I just want to stay curious.''


─希斯萊傑 Heath Ledger(1979.04.04-2008.01.22)


一個優秀的演員總是能夠真正的融入角色並打動人心,希斯萊傑當時為了完全沉浸在小丑的角色當中,整整把自己關在酒店房間內一個月足不出戶,並用小丑的口吻寫下了一整本日記,完全沉浸在精神病患者的狀態中,徹底成為了冷血的小丑。日記的最後一頁貼著他的試裝照,並寫下了「BYE BYE」的字樣。顯然希斯萊傑想要通過這樣的方式與電影中的角色道別,卻沒有成功,影壇的一顆星就此殞落,令人無限感慨、無限感懷。


I believewhatever doesn't kill you...simply makes you...stranger.我相信…殺不死你的東西都只會讓你變得…更奇怪。

Madness, as you know, is like gravity.All it takes is a little push.瘋狂,你知道的,就像地心引力一樣。只要輕輕地推它一把。

Do you want to know why I use a knife?You see, guns are too fast.You can't savor all of the little...emotions.In their last moments,people show you what they’re really like.So in a sense...I knew your friends better than you did.Would you like to know which of them were cowards?你想知道我為什麼用刀子嗎?你懂的,槍太快了。你不能品味那些細微的情緒。在人們臨死的最後一瞬,他們會露出真面目。所以…我比你更了解你的朋友。你想知道他們裡面誰是最孬種的嗎?

Why So Serious?幹嘛那麼認真?

I'm a dog chasing cars. I don't have plans.I just do things. I'm not a schemer.我就像追著車子的狗。我沒有計畫,我只是隨心所欲。我不是一個謀略者。

Does it depress you, how alone you really are?這讓你沮喪嗎,你到底有多寂寞呢?

All you care about is money.This town deserves a better class of criminal.你就只知道關心錢,這個城市配得上一個更有品位的罪犯。

Introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order,and everything becomes chaos.I’m an agent of chaos ,and you know the thing about chaos?It’s fair.製造點小小騷動,打亂原有的秩序,然後一切就變得混亂了。而我就是混亂的代表,你知道混亂的好處嗎?它帶來公平。

You see, I'm a guy of simple taste.I enjoy dynamite... and gasoline.And do you know what they all have in common?They are all cheap.你看,我是個品味簡單的人。我喜歡炸藥…槍砲…和汽油。你知道他們有什麼共通點嗎?它們都很便宜。

Their morals, their code...It's a bad joke.Dropped at the first sign of trouble.They're only as good as the world allows them to be.You'll see. I'll show you.When the chips are down, there civilized people...they'll eat each other.See, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve.他們的道德、準則,就是個冷笑話,一遇到麻煩就全扔到一邊了,他們的優點是很有限的,我會讓你看到,到了緊急關頭,這些所謂的「文明人」會互相吞噬。你看,我不是怪物,我只是頗有遠見。


