熱門: 黃子佼 徐巧芯 地震

Dushe Architecture Design-揚州虹橋坊 傳統與現代元素的結合

欣傳媒/ 2015.08.06 00:00

深具歷史風格的揚州虹橋坊位於江蘇省揚州大虹橋路北側,為當地著名瘦西湖(Slender West Lake)風景區的南門入口。虹橋坊總面積為52,728平方米,包含了25,395平方米的地上建築面積及27,333平方米的地下建築面積。整個建築專案涵蓋了由10棟獨立建築物構成的建築聚落,大部份為二層樓建築及部份的三層樓建築。

在上海都設建築設計有限公司(Dushe Architecture Design)接手規劃虹橋坊專案時,首先需考量的便是這處風景區中四個利益團體-政府、開發商、當地居民及遊客-各自不同的期待。政府希望能以仿古的方式改造創造出仿古商業建築,但如此的規劃首先面臨到的便是仿古商業建築的設計有著空間及窗戶開口過小的問題,並不符合現代商業活動需求不利於開發商。因此事務所想出一方法以平衡彼此間的期待,也就是將建築量體的一樓與二樓設計分開處理,並將屋頂完全使用傳統做法進行復原。二樓處以實木花窗及木板飾面創造出傳統中國式風格外立面,一樓則以石材幕牆為材料並設計出大面積的展示櫥窗以符合現代商業活動需求。



Dushe Architectural Design事務所


Dushe Architecture Design-白雲亭文化藝術中心 食品商場的銳變


[Dushe Architectural Design]鱍魚圈保利大劇院 Bayuquan Poly


Dushe Architectural Design-江陽嘉荷精品酒店 Jiahe Boutique


Dushe Architectural Design-鱍魚圈圖書館 Bayuquan library



編譯/蘇琨峰 圖/Dushe Architectural Design 









Dushe Architecture Design/Yangzhou Hongqiao Commercial Stre

Though the appearance is traditional, Dushe believes in technology for Hongqiao Commercial Street's development.

For example, normal blue brick metope uses ‘stick’ method, which is easy to get broken by time. In order to overcome this disadvantage, Dushe adopts a new method called dry-hang construction method, which is a simple dry-hang measure to separate the surface of the blue brick and the primary wall. This method prevents any break, and the cost of construction increases just a 10%. The entire architecture uses a curtain wall method to ensure the final completion. There is just a U-shaped glass building (number 8) which its facade employs some hollowed-out decorative aluminum pattern. Its modern image contrasts with the surrounding architecture, which brings out the best of each other.

A commercial scenic district is usually associated to four groups of people: government, developer, local residents and visitors. They have different expectations for this commercial scenic district. The government normally wishes to use archaized style for its well-known development. However, commercial buildings with exactly archaized style have a relatively short width and small areas of windows, which do not meet the demand of modern commerce and is adverse to the developer ideas. Therefore, Shanghai Dushe employed a strategy that could satisfy the expectation of each group as much as possible: processing the construction of the first and second floors separately: First, using a traditional method to recover the roof. On the second floor, the decoration is mainly based on hardwood rose windows and wood veneers, taking the essence of the traditional style. The first floor is a stone curtain wall where we dispose large display window areas to meet the needs of modern commerce.

This way the commercial street main view, from Slender West Lake and from the main road, perfectly fits with the strict requirements of a traditional appearance for this plot. The irregular location of the trees, the complexity of the slope roof and part of the elevation of the second floor gives a complex appearance to the general view.

And when visitors enter this commercial shopping street from entrance plaza, they will find that the clear facade is the best background for a variety of business activities. The first floor perfectly receive the modern commerce; second floor and the roof carry the tradition aspects. The base of first floor and the upper body are connected together through the same material and the division of elevations, to form a distinctive and harmonious whole scene. This strategy combines various plus factors to the greatest extent, which can meet the requirements of traditional aspects and the use of modern business facilities.

A commercial scenic district is usually associated to four groups of people: government, developer, local residents and visitors. They have different expectations for this commercial scenic district. The government normally wishes to use archaized style for its well-known development. However, commercial buildings with exactly archaized style have a relatively short width and small areas of windows, which do not meet the demand of modern commerce and is adverse to the developer ideas. Therefore, Shanghai Dushe employed a strategy that could satisfy the expectation of each group as much as possible: processing the construction of the first and second floors separately: First, using a traditional method to recover the roof. On the second floor, the decoration is mainly based on hardwood rose windows and wood veneers, taking the essence of the traditional style. The first floor is a stone curtain wall where we dispose large display window areas to meet the needs of modern commerce.

Though the appearance is traditional, Dushe believes in technology for Hongqiao Commercial Street's development.

For example, normal blue brick metope uses ‘stick’ method, which is easy to get broken by time. In order to overcome this disadvantage, Dushe adopts a new method called dry-hang construction method, which is a simple dry-hang measure to separate the surface of the blue brick and the primary wall. This method prevents any break, and the cost of construction increases just a 10%. The entire architecture uses a curtain wall method to ensure the final completion. There is just a U-shaped glass building (number 8) which its facade employs some hollowed-out decorative aluminum pattern. Its modern image contrasts with the surrounding architecture, which brings out the best of each other.

【More Information】

Dushe Architectural Design


Dushe Architecture Desig-Baiyunting Culture and Art Center


[Dushe Architectural Design] Bayuquan Poly


Dushe Architectural Design-Jiahe Boutique


Dushe Architectural Design-Bayuquan library



Photos/Dushe Architectural Design 

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Andre Profile

A male Aries, loves learning new things and being nostalgic to old things. Academic background: Bachelor of Construction Engineering Department at National YunTech University, Taiwan and Diploma of Graduate School of Business and Economics at University of Melbourne. With character of a little introvert, addicting to architecture, photography, tennis, Jazz music and saxophone and being the translator of Xin Architecture/ International, reporter, holder of activities and international tour leader.


