熱門: 黃子佼 徐巧芯 地震

Dushe Architecture Design-白雲亭文化藝術中心 食品商場的銳變

欣傳媒/ 2015.07.30 00:00

位於南京白雲亭的新文化藝術中心(Baiyunting Culture and Art Center),為一處舊食品市場改建而成,成為了上海都設建築設計有限公司(Dushe Architecture Design)在繼江陽嘉荷酒店後在當地都市更新計劃與舊建築改造設計領域中的另一成功代表作品,Dushe Architecture Design為舊食品市場規劃了從室內外到景觀的整體化設計,讓這座在1999年落成的舊食品市場如今成為了一處全新的文化藝術中心,並為當地創造出建築上的新面貌。。










Dushe Architectural Design事務所


[Dushe Architectural Design]鱍魚圈保利大劇院 Bayuquan Poly


Dushe Architectural Design-江陽嘉荷精品酒店 Jiahe Boutique


Dushe Architectural Design-鱍魚圈圖書館 Bayuquan library



編譯/蘇琨峰 圖/Dushe Architectural Design 









Baiyunting Culture and Art Center/Dushe Architecture Design

Recently, ‘Urban Renovation’, proposed by Shanghai city and Shenzhen City,  become the most popular topic in urban and architectural area, which however, was put into practice by Dushe nearly three years ago. In a latest completed project in Nanjing, Dushe convert a former food market into a cultural center. In this project, Dushe provided integration services including architecture design, interior design and landscape design. Following Jiahe Boutique Hotel, Baiyunting Culture and Art Center has become another representative work of Dushe in the area of urban renovation.

Demolition or not

Baiyunting food market was an important market, one of Food Basket Projects of Nanjing city. After the transformation of its function, it was difficult for policy makers to decide whether or not to demolish it. Eventually, through the prophase research, Dushe and the government of Nanjing reached an agreement to convert the old building into a cultural and art center instead of building a new one.

Replacement of functions

Baiyunting Culture and Art Center successfully combines functions of exhibition hall of city planning,  library,  art gallery and even theater of the local district. By redesigning of the atrium of old building, a new atrium including the exhibition hall of city planning with the height of five-stories was created. The most dramatic part was to convert the old ramp way for cargo logistics trucks to a library, as this new library implicates a Chinese proverb with the meaning of ‘only the diligent will be rewarded by God in their pursuit for knowledge’, by making use of this special form of traffic space. The library was widely reported by the local media and named as ‘the most beautiful library’.

Renovation of facade

The design concept of the surface of Baiyunting Culture and Art Center, stem from the latest design culture and package art -one kind of contemporary avant-garde arts. With the inspiration coming from the name of ‘Baiyunting’, which means ‘Cloud Pavilion’, the architect created a new artistic facade, looking like floating clouds by redesigning the building’s sun shading system. Just like an opening folding paper or a accordion, even a traditional Chinese lantern at evening, the new facade breath new life into the architecture.

Technically, exterior sun-shading system blocks noise and sunlight from the west. At the same time, to meet the re quirements of rapid construction, unit module installation was put into practice to control the visual effect. By using a combination of enamel glass and transparent glass, the architect reduced ramp way’s influence on east facade. Vertical greening was applied in north facade, improving the quality of landscape  for citizens in north residential areas. 

Baiyunting Culture and Art Center is the largest public cultural facility among districts in Jiangsu Province, also the first completed key project after the new Gulou District founded. Less than 6000 yuan of construction costs per square meter and 9 months of construction period, this project set two new records in the same kind of construction. Facing urgent needs of large amount of buildings’ renovation in contemporary China, Baiyunting Culture and Art Center shows the world the direction of future.

【More Information】

Dushe Architectural Design


[Dushe Architectural Design] Bayuquan Poly


Dushe Architectural Design-Jiahe Boutique


Dushe Architectural Design-Bayuquan library



Photos/Dushe Architectural Design 

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Andre Profile

A male Aries, loves learning new things and being nostalgic to old things. Academic background: Bachelor of Construction Engineering Department at National YunTech University, Taiwan and Diploma of Graduate School of Business and Economics at University of Melbourne. With character of a little introvert, addicting to architecture, photography, tennis, Jazz music and saxophone and being the translator of Xin Architecture/ International, reporter, holder of activities and international tour leader.


