熱門: 黃子佼 徐巧芯 地震


滔客/ 2015.05.08 00:00


女主角碧翠絲(雪琳伍德莉 飾)隱藏自己的分身,卻發現博學派領導人要毀滅分歧者,協同男主角四號(席歐詹姆斯 飾)阻止屠殺發生,並揭開被認為是動亂異端的分歧者真相。

劇情當中反應不少社會現狀,當我們處在不平等、不被認同時,該怎麼為自己做任何決定?每一步都會為未來創造許多分爭,分歧者裡有不少台詞很振奮人心,透過故事裡話語,向現實生活中的你喊話吧!Fear doesn't shut you down. It wakes you up.(恐懼沒有阻撓你,而是喚醒了你! – 分歧者)

1. 人生最大的挑戰,就是在一個試圖將你定型的世界裡,誠實的做自己。

The biggest challenge in life is to be yourself in a world

that is trying to shape you into something else.

2. 戰爭四起並非源自不同的意識形態、宗教信仰或種族,而源於人類個性的差異,源於人類內心的罪惡。

Not from war four different ideologies, religious beliefs or

ethnicity, and from the difference of the human personality, from the human

heart evil.



think we made a mistake, ” he

whispered, “I strengthen

their own factions advantage in the process, began to belittle the other

factions of the virtues. I do not want to do this, I want to own brave,

selfless, intelligent, kind, honest and with.”

4. 再過五秒鐘,只要脆弱五秒鐘,我就站起來面對一切困難。計時開始:一,二,三,四,五..

Another five seconds, as long as the fragile five seconds, I stood

up in the face of all difficulties. Start time: one, two, three, four, five..

5. 當有那麼一天,面對自己內心的疑問時,你是否會因為沒有替自己的真正渴望發聲而後悔。

When some day, face their own when in doubt, if you don’t really

want for their vocal and regret.

6. 我們應該忽略人與人之間的差異,因為差異是產生分歧的根源。

We should not ignore the differences between people, because the

difference is the source of disagreement.

7. 知識淩駕於一切的結果就是對權力的迫切渴望,這會讓他們誤入歧途。

The result of all knowledge is superior to the urgent desire for

power, which makes them astray.

8. 有時候,你的選擇只剩下哭或笑,笑似乎比較好一些。

Sometimes, your choices left to cry or laugh, laugh seems a bit


9. 我們必須隨時做好準備。

We must always be prepared for every contingency.

10. 尤其是對於人生的選擇,無所謂對與錯。

Especially for the choice of life, it does not matter right and



