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森鉅:本公司與CC Industries Inc.簽訂股權認購協議書

鉅亨網/鉅亨網新聞中心 2013.06.11 00:00
第二條 第10款1.事實發生日:102/06/112.契約或承諾相對人:CC Industries Inc.3.與公司關係:無4.契約或承諾起迄日期(或解除日期):102/06/115.主要內容(解除者不適用):詳其他應敘明事項。6.限制條款(解除者不適用):無7.對公司財務、業務之影響(解除者不適用):對公司業務、財務有正面效益。8.具體目的(解除者不適用):詳其他應敘明事項。9.其他應敘明事項:森鉅科技材料股份有限公司(代號﹕8942,簡稱:森鉅)於102年6月11日與CC Industries Inc.(以下簡稱CCI公司)簽訂股份認購協議書。CCI公司之直接或間接百分之百子公司將認購森鉅以私募方式發行之普通股共16,000,000股。CCI公司是於美國設立營運的控股及管理投資公司,主要專注於投資並持有私人產業公司。CCI公司投資項目涵蓋各種產業中具有競爭優勢的公司。CCI公司的投資項目遍及全球(包括中國大陸),並具備管理公司會計及稅務、人力資源、環境、能源、不動產及風險管理的專業能力。規則結盟後,我們相信森鉅與CCI公司的合作將會創造經營綜效,並進而為森鉅全體股東帶來更大的利益。除創造互補效益外,本協議書的簽訂預期將建立雙方長期合作關係,並提高森鉅的國際知名度。Xxentria Technology Materials Co., Ltd. (stock code: 8942, the”Xxentria”) entered into a Share Subscription Agreement with CCIndustries (“CCI”) on June 11, 2013. A subsidiary directly or indirectly 100% owned by CCI will purchase 16,000,000 commonshares to be issued by Xxentria by way of private placement.CCIis a United States based holding and management investment company focusing on privately held operating companies. CCI invests invarious industrial businesses that possess strong industrypresences. CCI has investments worldwide, including in China,and has corporate expertise in accounting and tax, human resources, environmental, energy, real estate, and risk management.As aresult of this strategic alliance, we believe the furthercollaboration of Xxentria and CCI will create incrementalopportunities that will, in turn, create more benefits forXxentria’s shareholders. In addition to creating complementary benefits, it is expected that this agreement will establish a long-term relationship and increase Xxentria s internationalexposure.


